
Thursday, October 18, 2012

A-NaNo'ing I'll go...

Hi all! Sorry for not posting yesterday. Had to entertain someone with whom my business works.

Anyway, I have a tiny announcement to make.

I decided to give NaNo another try. But this year I'll probably shut up about it on my blog.

Although I realized that I don't draft fast and probably never write 50k words in one month, I know that I'll be able to kick start my drafting again after a year-long dry-spell.

Only thing is, I don't know what I'm going to write. I have the rewrite to last year's NaNo figured out and I have a completely new story.

Both are awesome.

I guess I'll decide on November 1.

Anyone else doing NaNo this year? I'm iceangel, if you want to buddy up.

How do you pick the projects you'll write for NaNo?


  1. Even if you don't hit the target, you'll still be motivated to write a lot.
    Not participating this year. I'll be busy editing at the time.

  2. Good luck, Misha. You'll figure it out...

  3. Good luck, Misha. Since it's a competition against one's self, you're a winner regardless of how much you write. I'm not entering. Got editing/stuff to do.

  4. I'm always in. It will be my 4th NaNoWriMo and 7th WriMo--I adore them. I always win, but man, do they need a lot of cleanup after...

  5. A kick start is always good. One of these years I'll have time for NaNo.

    1. It's definitely something I think every writer should try once.

  6. I'm doing it again this year -- I really enjoy NaNoWriMo. I love the motivation it provides. Good luck with yours :-)

  7. I am also going to join Nanowrimo this year also. I didn't make it last year, but I did however win during the Script Frenzy. It's a challenge to say the least, but I'm going to give it a go once more! Good luck on Nanowrimo this year!

  8. I'm doing it for the first time, and very small ideas keep appearing but I'm not writing them down. I'm just going to see what happens on Nov 1!

  9. Yep, I'm doing it again this year. Good luck.

  10. It's always hard to decide to between a rewrite and new idea. This year, I'm going for the rewrite. We're already buddies on the NaNo site. :)

  11. I'd love to do it someday, but not while I'm working full-time and have kids living at home. Aspiring writers have enough discouragement, I don't need to put myself in a position to fail. Even before I joined a critique group or had my blog and all I did was write, I maxed out at about 5,000 words a week.

    Best of luck to you Misha! Let us know how you're doing from time to time.

    1. Yeah some writers really don't fit well with the NaNo idea. I'm actually one of them, but I never get 25k words done as fast. ;-)

  12. Good luck, Misha! Hope it gives you the chance to focus and get writing again like you said. ;)

  13. I'm doing NaNo too, this will be my first try. I don't think I'll get to 50,000 either but I still hope it will help me get out of my slump. Good luck to you!

    1. Thanks! And to you too. Let me know if you want to buddy up. :-)

  14. I choose my NaNoWriMo novels months, sometimes even a year in advance. I already know what I'm doing next year, though perhaps not the year after. ;)


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