Tuesday, February 19, 2013

News Day Week 4

Welcome to yet another News Day! Because I skipped a few weeks, here's a recap. Anything I find interesting or worth sharing, I post here. I try to get out there to get as much news down as possible, but I'm one tiny little person. SO! If you have a bit of news you want people to know about, please let me know. Either in the comments, or you can let me know ahead of time by contacting me by e-mail. If you do, please make "News" the topic, so I can keep track easily. My address is mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT)com. Anything can be a news topic, even if it's something you're doing.

Okay! Admin's done, so let's get started, shall we?

Paying Forward Awards

Sponsors will be announced and nominations for February will be opened as soon as this post is up. I'll just have to write that post as well.

Blogfests and Competitions

I've announced the Word Master Challenge theme for February. Entries close on 3 March, so if you haven't yet, please check it out!

Then Beth Fred and Kelly Hashway are co-hosting The Sweets Blogfest to celebrate their soon-to-be-released books. The date is 6 March, but sign-ups are already open.

Requests for Help

The launch date for Overcoming Adversity - An Anthology for Andrew is on 4 March. Nick Wilford created an amazing anthology with stories by 70 authors as a way to raise money for his stepson. It will be going towards Andrew's specialist further education and therefore to his future too. Nick's asking for people to help spread the word about the book on release day and that week, so please head over and sign up and for more information. It's a worthy cause to champion, don't you think?

Offers to Help

In a staggeringly generous move, Ciara Knight will be doing basket giveaways at conferences she's going to/presenting at. She's put out a call for authors to send in their books. She'll put together the baskets and give them away. Go here, if you're interested in more details.

The ladies at Falling for Fiction are holding a CP/Beta Mixer, so if you're looking for a crit partner or beta reader, head over ASAP and sign up. The ladies will match up partners in March.

Worth a Look

For beginning writers: On Dialogue.

Finally, I want to welcome two new bloggers I bumped into: Aaron and Michael. I hope you all will head over and say hi too!

That's the news for now, but let me know and I'll add tidbits either to this week or the next. Anything I listed catch your eye?

Don't forget to check back later for the Paying Forward Awards!


  1. Looking forward to Nick's book! And already contacted Ciara.

    1. I'm always looking forward to it. Really hope it does extremely well!

  2. Thanks for spreading the word about the Sweets Blogfest. Beth and I appreciate it.

  3. Thanks for the mention! A quick update - I've got the running order sorted out and my friend's made a beautiful cover, so it's coming together. :)

    I'll have to make some nominations this month, but it's hard as so many great ones to choose from!

    1. That's great, Nick! Can't wait to see what the cover looks like. :-)


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