Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm a minion!

Sort of like this, but prettier. And with two eyes.

Yep, I volunteered to help out the A to Z Challenge cohosts and Damyanti picked me to help her, along with Mina, Pam and Rosalind.

Because of that, I even got this badge.

For in case you're new to the blogging world or lived under a rock for a long time, let me give you some info on the A to Z Challenge.

The concept is easy. There are 26 weekdays and Saturdays this April. On each of them, you do a post. The topics/titles of the posts have to correspond to the day's letter. (A on day 1, B on day 2 etc.) If you want, you can follow a theme, or you can be wacky. You can plan ahead or improvise. As long as there are 26 posts from A to Z.

The fun, though, is the fact that this is by far the biggest blogfest I take part in. Last year had over 1000 blogs participating, covering a wide variety of topics. It's an amazing way to get to know people.

But please remember, the best way to get to know them is to go to their blogs first and leave a nice comment. And also, please don't start at 1 unless you're planning to hit as many blogs as possible. Yes, I know it's not nice to tell people what to do, but as someone who hit 800+ blogs last year, I found it really sad that some really good blogs went unvisited because they were lower down the list.

Anyway, does A to Z sound good to you? Great! Click the badge below to sign up.

A to Z Challenge [2013]

Before you go!!! Please don't forget to volunteer prizes for the Paying Forward Awards! You ladies and gents make it awesome, so please search your hearts. Any prizes will be welcomed, so please contact me at mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT)com if you're interested in contributing. Please make "Paying Forward" your topic so I can keep track easily. 

Also!!! Don't forget to check out February's Word Master Challenge. Entries close on 3 March. 

Are you signing up for the A to Z Challenge? Got a theme planned?


  1. Congratulations on being a minion!! Glad you have two eyes though.

  2. Congrats on being a minion, I'm with Arlee who have called us Ambassadors.


  3. Congrats! Yes definitively you look prettier and less yellow, hahaha. :D

    1. Awe thanks! Your compliment hits me right here. *pats heart*


  4. Great to be working with you again :-) Really looking forward to it.

  5. Yep, A to Z should be a lot of fun for all involved :)

    1. Oh yeah it is. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

  6. I'm spectating only this year.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  7. Congrats!! I'm a minion, too, for Diane at Spunk on a Stick!

  8. I'm signed up for A to Z and I'm a fellow minion. :)

  9. Congrats on being a minion! I'm really looking forward to AtoZ. This is my first year.

    1. Ooh! Good tip: Make sure you know your topics before hand. It really helps a lot.

  10. Well, you're the cutest minion I've ever seen. Still thinking about A-Z

  11. I haven't decided yet on the A to Z Challenge. I've done it two years running now and had a great time doing so, but I just don't know if I'll have the time for it this year.

    Congrats on having achieved minion status!

    1. Thanks. Yeah I can see how you'd be a bit busy for it. Best of luck with the preparations!

  12. Ha ha, I love those minions. Congrats on your new position! A-Z is a behemoth of a blogging challenge!

  13. Congrats Minion Misha! Last year they said to start with the blog after your own on the list so that everyone would get visits.

    We can give away an e-book copy of my book this month.

    1. Yep. Last year I ignored it, because I'd go right past my blogs, but maybe this year I think I'll follow that piece of advice and see how close I can get to my own blogs again. :-D

  14. Cool badge. Not starting at 1 is top advice!

  15. YAY!! I'm a minion, too, although Matt hasn't sent me much. LOL HEARTS, Matt!! I'm sure it's coming. I love the A to Z challenge. :)

    1. Hahaha yeah he's usually on the ball. See you around, minion. ;-)

  16. I'm going to be a minion too, I can't wait! The A-Z is so much fun. :)

  17. Have fun with your minion status!

  18. Good luck and all the best. I enjoyed the 2011 episode I took part in :)

    1. It's really fun and a nice way to challenge yourself.

  19. LOL. You minion, you. =) I've been sitting on the sidelines long enough. Dove into the pool last week, and now I'm hoping I don't drown. It's going to be fun, that's for sure.

  20. I've signed up and am doing a double theme this year. I'm going to have to check my posts ahead of time on a different computer (probably at the university library) to see if the secondary theme is showing up properly on a non-Mac.

    1. Me too. It'll be the second year I do two blogs.

      Hope your Challenge is glitch free. :-)

  21. wohoo! Good luck Misha. I'm skipping A-Z this year unfortunately. :S

    1. Awe! That's too bad, but I know there are some good reasons not to do it.

  22. I was too scared to volunteer to be a minion. I applaud your courage. It was enough to sign up. I have up to J loaded so far...

    1. It actually turned out a lot less involved than I expected. I have to visit 50 or so blogs in April, which is fine, since I'm aiming to hit around 1500 any way. :-D

  23. I'm a spectator but am looking forward to reading the challenges! There should be plenty to read and keep you busy. :)

    1. Yeah it's really interesting to see what the bloggers come up with.

  24. How kind of you to help. You've got you're work cut out for you. Good luck! :D

  25. Have fun; unfortunately, I won't be participating. I never finish these things when I start them, anyway.

    1. Yeah it takes a bit more commitment to finish the challenge than people think.

  26. Oh no Misha! :)

    They got you! Then again, always good to bring further awareness of the alphabet we are familiar with.

    This might um surprise you, but I would never participate in it. Of course, ironically, my satire postings about the challenge actually bring further awareness of it...

    Seriously, Misha, you have fun, you minion you! :)

  27. I keep forgetting to sign up! It'll be my first year this year, but it seems like it's awesome. And hooray for minions! Especially when they're adorable yellow cyclopes. ;)

  28. That's so generous of you to volunteer for A to Z! I signed up again this year...and I do have a theme, but I won't be announcing it until sometime in March.

    1. Yeah I always announce my themes the night before the challenge starts. :-)

  29. I'm sure you'll do great as a minion. Congrats and have fun!

  30. Congratulations!!! I'm a minion also, but I'll wait for my leader to make the official announcement. I love A to Z!!

  31. Congrats on signing up! The A to Z is a huge challenge for anyone, but especially for those who make it happen!

    1. Yeah definitely, which is why I'm thrilled to help where I can. :-)

  32. Enjoy your minion duties! Love the A-Z!


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