Monday, August 22, 2011

More about you...

Well... today I have nothing to say... so I thought I'd get to know you all a little better...

1) What made you want to write?
2) When did you start blogging?
3) Sweet or Savory?
4) What's your big dream?
5) What does your best friend say is your best characteristic?
6) What do you say is your best characteristic?
7) If you know you have one hour left, what would you do in it?
8) Have you ever wanted to do something that you gave up on?
9) What do you want RIGHT NOW?
10) What are you planning for later today?

Have a great day! X


  1. Phew! That's a lot of ???'s. I'll answer the first. I've been writing since I was ten. When my parents wouldn't listen to me...I wrote stories. Hmm? No one still listens to me...and I'm still writing stories.

  2. Can only manage 8, 9, and 10.

    I've given up on many things over the years, but finishing a novel wasn't one of them thankfully!

    What I want right now is a nice mug of hot chocolate...

    Hmmm, if that's what I'm craving it must be my bedtime! (which answers Q10)

  3. 1) What made you want to write?

    I don't know, because I was very young when I started wanting to write - I guess the easy answer is loving books!

    2) When did you start blogging?

    I started sporadically in April 2009 and properly in September 2009.

    3) Sweet or Savory?

    Sweet. Sweet is goooood.

    4) What's your big dream?

    To be published and to make enough money from writing to do it full-time and without a day job. Also to travel the world and finally get my eyebrows plucked into the shape I want.

    5) What does your best friend say is your best characteristic?

    I don't have one best friend, but two of my close friends have told me I'm the person they trust to tell them what they need to hear even when it's not what they want.

    6) What do you say is your best characteristic?

    I have no idea! I have a sense of humour, which is handy :)

    7) If you know you have one hour left, what would you do in it?

    Say goodbye to loved ones.

    8) Have you ever wanted to do something that you gave up on?

    Learning to play a musical instrument. I'm tone deaf and it was just too much work!

    9) What do you want RIGHT NOW?

    A cup of mint tea.

    10) What are you planning for later today?

    Heading out for a drive, baking some marshmallow treats to torment my poor mother and maybe clearing out the spare room.

    Fun post, Misha :)

  4. Wow, that's a lot of questions and I wish I had time to answer them all! But, later today, I'm seriously thinking about taking a nap. Crap night last night.

    I prefer savory and it will be a year this October that I've been blogging!

    Fun questions!

  5. 1) I always had stories. Seeing them in books made me realise I can share my stories.

    2) May this year (I think). It's been going OK so far.

    3) Both together.

    4) I want to be known as a great servant.

    5) I'm not sure. Misha?

    6)I'm persistent. Maybe tenacious is a better word.

    7) Spend it with my husband and my two kitties.

    8) Many, many things. Becoming a veterinarian, playing the piano, the guitar. I realised that some things just never were meant to be.

    9) Peace and quiet. Sushi.

    10) Taking out one or the other Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on DVD.

    Thanks, Misha!

  6. Ooo, this is fun! You'll have to answer the questions, too, Misha!

    1) What made you want to write?
    I loved to read so much! I couldn't get enough of books and stories so I wrote my own too. :)

    2) When did you start blogging?
    March 2010. I wanted to connect with other writers!

    3) Sweet or Savory?
    Chocolate. LoL!

    4) What's your big dream?
    Be multi-published with well-loved novels of course! ;)

    5) What does your best friend say is your best characteristic?
    I don't know, I never asked!

    6) What do you say is your best characteristic?
    My kindness.

    7) If you know you have one hour left, what would you do in it?

    8) Have you ever wanted to do something that you gave up on?

    9) What do you want RIGHT NOW?
    This weekend was the gymnastics U.S. National Championships so I'm on a gymnastics high and really want to be an elite gymnast right now!

    10) What are you planning for later today?
    The usual: writing.

  7. hey girl, hope that your good.
    well here goes,
    1) i loved goosebumps as a kid, and always wanted to write one. Also the central idea for my main w.i.p was originally a short story that was a project for school!
    2) i started blogging about 18 mnts ago, and im useless at keeping up to date.
    3)savory followed by something sweet
    4)to be the next jimmy hendrix, or id settle for somthing that i've written in solid print!
    5) apparently im very funny. Ive never got it my self.
    6)Loyality, if you my friend your pretty much stuck with me
    7)have a party and get reallllly drunk no hangover ....
    8)performing arts, was my firts love
    9)noting much im good
    10)going to the gym with the boyf

    hope that your having a good monday

  8. 1) What made you want to write? I don't know if anything "made" me want to write, I just starting writing.
    2) When did you start blogging? Almost four years ago.
    3) Sweet or Savory? A little of both.
    4) What's your big dream? To be enlightened.
    5) What does your best friend say is your best characteristic? That I'm a good listener.
    6) What do you say is your best characteristic? I'm patient.
    7) If you know you have one hour left, what would you do in it? I hunker down with my husband, my sister and our dogs and I'd cry and laugh and sing and eat.
    8) Have you ever wanted to do something that you gave up on? Singing professionally.
    9) What do you want RIGHT NOW? A back rub.
    10) What are you planning for later today? A nap and then water aerobics.

  9. 1) My English teacher.
    2) January of this year.
    3) Sweet
    4) To have money
    5) I can see through all bullshit.
    6) My mind.
    7) Eat chocolate cake
    8) Yes
    9) To have the rest of the day off.
    10) Seeing Fright Night.

  10. 1. Love of writing/my high school English teacher.
    2. I started blogging 1.5+ or so years ago; seriously last June.
    3. I like savory things better'n sweet, in general.
    4. Big dream? To have a BOOK published traditionally! :)
    5. Loyalty. Or honesty.
    6. Ditto. Love to be creative, tho.
    7. Spend time with loved ones.
    8. I gave up writing for 10 years.
    9. WRITE! but I can't...
    10. Cuz I have to paint my kitchen cabinets. Groan. Off to it.

    Have a great day!

  11. Writing happened one day when I sat down to read a book and couldn't get a scene to leave my head. Scene had nothing to do with the book. I started blogging after reading from Janet Reid's blog that writers need to find a support network and online is a good place. Always sweet, unless it's meat then I like savory. Biggest dream I have would be to own a beach house on the coast. My best characteristic is my need to be organized, even if that doesn't appear organized on the outside. I say my best characteristic is that I worry (about everything). I'd take some anti-anxiety meds, and probably lay down for a nap. I'd rather spend the time in my imagination doing every thing I wouldn't have time to do in an hour. I haven't given up on anything, put off for another day or month but not yet totally given up.

    Right now I want a nap, candy bar and better songs playing on pandora. Later today for once I have no plans so I'll probably sneak in some writing and bad tv watching.

  12. Lots of questions! Hehe, will do, though. Are you going to answer these questions as well?

    1. When I was eight-year-old my dad gave me his mother's old typewriter. I wrote my first story on it, and have been writing ever since.

    2. Earlier this year. Back in March, I think.

    3. Savory!

    4. To be published and make enough to not have to go to work after I'm done having kids and they're all in school.

    5. My best friend would say "You don't have any."

    6. Not sure...

    7. Spend that hour with my husband and my daughter.

    8. Yep. I dropped out of college. I'd like to go back and finish my Japanese degree and one day teach English in Japan, but I don't think it will ever happen.

    9. String cheese.

    10. Crocheting!

  13. Lot of questions, Misha. I started writing in College.
    I love both Sweet and savoury. Actually I am a foodie.
    My best characteristic is my cheerful nature according to my best friend. I have to agree with her.
    I have many dreams: to get an literary agent, to see my books in hardcover.
    Later today, I am planning to read my CP'S book.

  14. Only time for 9 & 10.
    Right now I want to figure out a scene that's giving me trouble.
    Later today -- hoping I hear from Granddaughter who arrives at university in another state today.
    Oh yeah, cutting the grass. YUK!!

    Those are 10 great character question BTW.

    M Beth Vaughn

  15. 1)I've always wanted to. Just didn't have the courage until a few years ago.
    2)About a year ago, on a regular basis.
    4)NY Times best seller list
    5)My heart
    6)Don't know.
    7)Spend time with my husband and kids doing something fun.
    8)I'm sure but can't think of it right now.
    9)A hug from hubby.
    10)Violin lessons with middle child.

  16. 1) Reading made me want to write.

    2) I believe I started blogging in 2005. The Patriots had just won a Super Bowl. I remember that because that was pretty much my first blog post.

    3) Sweet.

    4) Finishing a WIP. Any of them.

    9) Sleep, mostly. But in the absence of that, I'll settle for donuts.

    10) A shift at the day job followed by sleep.

  17. Ooo. A quick stab:

    1) I loved books, seemed natural
    2) Ages ago
    3) Sweet
    4) To be an author!
    5) You'd have to ask them
    6) A good friend
    7) Ooo. Tricky!
    8) Gymnastics
    9) A time machine
    10) An exercise class


  18. I've been selective too. Hope you don't mind. I'd go for savoury every time. My friends think I'm a softie. I think I'm a softie too I guess. And if I had one hour left I'd hug my children.

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