
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Heeeeeeeeeere's Misha!

I'm back!

Finally after weeks of drumming my nails to the quick with frustration.

You see, I nearly died of curiosity to see what was happening to all of my bloggy friends.

Sigh. And here I am.

There's so much to tell you!

So... I'll do it news-style.

1) As you are well aware, I now have a job. Sadly (?) it involves commerce, but it is exciting enough to keep me interested. The only thing that I have against commerce is the fact that most of the jobs involve sitting at your desk and doing accounts.

This one does too, but it's a high adrenaline kind of job. ^_^

When I have something to do.

When I don't... I get to write.

2) Speaking of which. Work settled down enough on Thursday for me to write between e-mail checks. Since then, I have written almost 20 k words! Ten thousand of which was on the Doorways rewrite.

3) I looove being in full swing with Doorways. I've moved some things around and hurried things along a little. For now, it writes like a dream. It's great to know where things are going.

The only thing that is a little tricky about the book is voice. I have two, and the story requires me to switch between them every now and then. And right now, Callan is drowning out anything and everything that James has to say.

4) In unrelated news, I know of a registrar's secretary who will have a very bad day on Monday. My registration is due on Tuesday, but they still haven't opened up my account. I hope for her sake that my account is open by 08h30 on Monday.

Right now, I'm not angry.

I'm storing it for later...

5) Good news again: I was given an award! I will blog about it on Monday when more people are online.

6) I'm pathetic at remembering news. Which probably doesn't count. I'm sure you all realized how scatterbrained I am.


What's news there? You can't believe how much I missed you.


  1. Welcome back! Sounds like you've been busy! I'm glad your getting into the swing of writing. I took a knitting break but after my knitting break I plan to FINALLY revisit my nanowrimo o-o That's going to be a chore but I hope since I ignored it so long it will be fun again :)

  2. Welcome back, Misha! :)

    I'm glad to hear your writing is going well.

    Congrats on the award!

  3. Glad work and writing is going well. Fingers crossed for your registration coming on time!



  4. Welcome back, Misha! Seems like you've been busy!

  5. That's awesome progress! Hope you can keep it up and get your registration all figured out. =)

  6. Congratulations on your award. Can't wait to hear more about it. Keep up the good work.

  7. Hi Misha! Congrats on the 20k! Sorry about the yucky stuff

  8. Welcome back, Misha! Congrats on your new job! Kudos on your 20K, that's quite an accomplishment. ;)
    Write away, Misha!

  9. Congratulations with your job, your editing, and your award! It's good to have you back :D


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