Friday, April 1, 2016

A to Z Challenge: Aleria

For this A to Z Challenge, I'm sharing little snippets from my book Endless. We're starting off from Nick's PoV.

Nick is an FBI agent investigating a plane crash, and he discovers that he knows the person who had tried to stop it.

Click to enlarge

About the Book

First, do no harm.” Blake Ryan swore that oath to become a doctor. Ironic, given that he spent most of his thousand year life sucking souls out of other immortals.

Things are different now. Using regular shots of morphine to keep his inner monster at bay, Ryan has led a quiet life since the Second World War. His thrills now come from saving lives, not taking them.

Until a plane crash brings Aleria into his hospital. Her life is vibrant. Crack to predators like him. She’s the exact sort of person they would hunt, and thanks to a severe case of amnesia, she’s all but defenseless.

Leaving Aleria vulnerable isn’t an option, but protecting her means unleashing his own inner monster. Which is a problem, because his inner monster wants her dead most of all.

Coming out on 30 April

Pre-order now at:


  1. Oooh! This challenge is going to be fun with peaks like this into the story!

  2. Very tantalizing peek into your book! Can't wait to get some more sneak peeks :-)

    Cheers - Ellen |

  3. Congrats on the book, Misha!
    A tantalising snippet...just enough to whet the appetite!
    Writer In Transit

  4. What a great idea for the A-Z challenge- and a great marketing tool - to tie in your upcoming book. The story sounds amazing. Can't wait for the other "letters."

  5. Nick's in a bit of a predicament, isn't he?

  6. I love Nick. He's such a great character!

  7. Happy first day of the challenge. I love your theme. Aleria is awesome!

  8. Oh my gosh; this lured me right in and wants me to read more!


  9. oooo - can't wait to here more. Just my thing! Roll on April 30th. Have a lovely weekend Misha!

  10. Gorgeous book cover and an enticing sneak peek!

    Maria from
    Vancity Girlfriends
    Coupon Chef

  11. I love the book cover and the blurb has me very intrigued. This seems like a book I would like.

    I'm visiting from the A to Z Challenge
    Shelly @

  12. The character description to your book caught my interest. It sounds like a winner.
    All the best for your book launch.
    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

  13. Good luck with that goal. I hope you reach it.

  14. Yikes! Using regular shots of morphine? That can't be good!! Great preview!

  15. Congrats on the book! I always thought the cover was gorgeous. And what a great way to tease it for the Challenge.

  16. Great teaser! Sounds like an interesting book.

  17. I already feel for Aleria and Blake! I'm also intrigued to see how it links with Nick - consider me very interested for the next installment! 😉

  18. Congrats on the upcoming book! Happy "A" Day. And so the challenge begins...


  19. Good luck with your A to Z challenge, your book snippet sounds really interesting Misha xox

  20. Meisha, good luck with Aleria and the Challenge!

  21. Sounds a little Twilight with the fighting monster urges thing but I enjoyed those books. You have a nice story there Misha.

  22. The book looks great. Looking forward to the rest of your A to Z posts.

  23. How exciting! Looks and sounds like an intriguing read! What a fun A-Z! :)

  24. Well now, he's in a pickle, and I suppose, so is she!

  25. Sounds like a great book - hope the launch goes really well. Ryan seems to have a real quandry.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)


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