Saturday, April 16, 2016

A to Z Challenge: Names

In this A to Z Challenge, I'm sharing little snippets from my upcoming book, Endless. 

One of the things about being immortal is the fact that sometimes, your name changes along with your identity...

Click to enlarge

About the Book

First, do no harm.” Blake Ryan swore that oath to become a doctor. Ironic, given that he spent most of his thousand year life sucking souls out of other immortals.

Things are different now. Using regular shots of morphine to keep his inner monster at bay, Ryan has led a quiet life since the Second World War. His thrills now come from saving lives, not taking them.

Until a plane crash brings Aleria into his hospital. Her life is vibrant. Crack to predators like him. She’s the exact sort of person they would hunt, and thanks to a severe case of amnesia, she’s all but defenseless.

Leaving Aleria vulnerable isn’t an option, but protecting her means unleashing his own inner monster. Which is a problem, because his inner monster wants her dead most of all.

Coming out on 30 April

Pre-order now at:


  1. I wonder what names I'd choose for me, if I were immortal. Hmmm.

  2. Hmm? Wonder what it would be like to be a griffon.

  3. "I stopped being Russian in the 1800s."

    Love it!

  4. I'm sure changing your identity now and then is necessary when you live for that long! And it's probably fun :)

  5. Very good blurb for the book. It establishes the character in his normal life, then the inciting incident that changes everything. And the incident is a person.

  6. This sounds like such a fun book to read.

  7. How do you stop being what is such a large part of you?


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