
Friday, February 22, 2013

Paying Forward Awards Nominees

Thank you to everyone who nominated the awesome bloggers I'm about to post here. These definitely are a great selection to pick from, so I can't wait to see who'll win our awesome prizes.

Best Commenter

Giver of Best Writing Advice

Most Supportive/Helpful Blogger

Sweetest Blogger

Unpublished Blogger with Awesome Writing Style

Published Blogger with Awesome Writing Style

Most Useful Blog

To Vote: Please e-mail me at mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT)com with "Vote" as the subject. You can only vote for one person per category, but don't have to vote for each category. People who nominated and sponsors may vote as well. 

Voting Opens: As of this posting. 

Voting Closes: 28 February 2012

Winners Announcement: 5 March 2012

Congrats to all the nominees! 

And before you go, don't forget to enter out this month's Word Master Challenge


  1. Congratulations to all the nominees!

  2. These are some great choices to choose from. It's going to be hard to pick in most categories!

  3. Oh wow! Thanks to the people who nominated me. Time to vote.

  4. Wow! So many excellent bloggers listed all in one place!!! Congrats to each and every one of you!!!

  5. Ohhhhh... how sweet is this???? So nice! Means a lot just to see my name up there--especially with people who I respect so much. Too kind. Thanks for this, Misha! And now I need to go check out the blogs I'm not familiar with. <3

  6. I follow many of these blogs and totally agree with your assessment! Very hard to pick and choose!

  7. Wow, I'm honored that anyone would think my comments were noteworthy...a big 'thank you' to them :)

    I see a lot of great nominees up there so voting is going to be tough!

    Thanks, Misha

    1. Mark...vote for me and I'll vote for you. I promise. Really. No...my fingers aren't crossed behind my back. Seriously. Would I lie to you? ;)

  8. Hi, Misha,

    I am very honored to be nominated..... THANK YOU EVERYONE! Good luck to the nominees, they are such worthy candidates. How could one possibly choose.

  9. Hey,

    Well, this is an awesome surprise. My name on a list with no Courthouse date and time next to it :)~

    Thanks, Misha, for the nomination and I'd like to thank the director and producer for al-- (looks at scrap of paper...)

    Oh... Wrong note.

    Thanks again, and I'm off to vote :)

  10. Wow, this is amazing! Thanks so much for the nomination!

  11. Thanks so much for the nomination! We're honored to be in such great company. All these bloggers are awesome!

  12. Thanks so much! I feel honored. :) Some wonderful folks mentioned here.

  13. Hard to pick and choose among all the fabulous bloggers listed. They're all so great!

  14. Geez, so crazy week I forgot to send you my nominees. Bad dragon. Now I promise I will do my homework.

    1. Al...been meaning to get over to your place and have been on a major guilt trip. I've had a crazy week, too!

    2. Mike, You're missing out. Al's blog is awesome. :)

  15. Ah, this is beyond amazing! Thanks to whoever nominated us. We're soooo flattered to be among such company. I'm also excited to check out some new blogs! Thank you! <3 <3 <3

  16. Holy smokes! This was the last thing I expected today...or any day, for that matter. What an honor. And the group in which I'm included—all of them excellent folks.

    I feel like Ang Lee.

    Thanks again! Must go vote. Hmmm...who should I choose for best commenter?

  17. So many wonderful people and bloggers-- congratulations to all the nominees!

  18. There are some tough choices there. Love that you do this!

  19. Wow! Thank you so much! I'm honored to be included in this group. :)

  20. I can't believe I am actually nominated. Thank you Misha and everyone else who nominated me. It truly is an honour.

  21. WOW!! What a humbling feeling...being nominated...and mentioned along with my fellow nominees! Now I'm off to vote!

    Thank you!

  22. Oh my gosh!! I am so honored! Wow, a big thank you Misha, and hugs of gratitude to everyone who nominated The Bookshelf Muse. Win or not, it means the world that we're even considered for this list! :)


  23. Best of luck to all the awesome nominees!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Misha!

  24. Thanks. I'm honored to be in such company. Have a lovely weekend, Roland

  25. What a wonderful to honor your fellow bloggers! Good luck to all the nominees!

  26. wow, great names listed here! thought i was a follower, but i missed that button some how...now i am! cheers!

  27. Congrats to all the nominees! :D

  28. Best wishes and congrats to the nominees! All great bloggers. :)

  29. Wow, so many awesome nominees! Congratulations and best of luck to all. And thanks for doing this, Misha, such a wonderful idea. :)

  30. Wow! Thank you for the nomination! This is awesome company :) Good luck everyone!

  31. Oh, wow. I'm shocked. Thanks so much to the people who nominated me. I'm honored.

  32. Does my vote count?


  33. That was fun. I got to vote for some of my favorite bloggers.

  34. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. You have some great blogs on this list.

  35. Thanks for your support and votes, ladies and gents! Keep 'em coming. :-)

  36. I have voted, please check your spam folder. And thank you for the nomination.


  37. So many good bloggers to choose from!!

  38. Congrats to all nominees! I love the color of this blog also!! Very easy on the eyes!!


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