Wednesday, February 23, 2011

N.R. Williams: Treasures of Carmelidrium (and a competition)

Hi all! It is my huge pleasure to welcome N.R. Williams to my blog. She's dropped by to tell us more about her book, Treasures of Carmelidrium. She is a wonderful person and a great blogger, so don't hesitate to go over there and say hi. Give her lots of love. ;-)
But before I give over to her, I want to say thanks to all 300 of my bloggy friends. I feel very honored and humbled to know that my posts are reaching so many people. I hope that you all find some value in what I have to say.

To say thank you, I will host my first ever giveaway!

Nancy has been kind enough to let me give Treasures of Carmelidrium to one lucky bloggy friend.

For 1 entry, all you need to do is leave a comment.
For 1 bonus point: Answer this question: If you could go to another world, what would you take with you and why?
Then: 1 bonus point each if you link me to your tweet/blog/wherever else where you spread the word.

Closing date is 9 March.

OK... Take it away Nancy!

Thank you, Misha, for letting me grace your blog to talk about my newly released e-book, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

My book is an epic fantasy. It begins here in the state of Colorado, U.S.A., when my heroine, Missie, performs her flute in the University auditorium for a mid-term grade. Her professor is unusually fond of her and delays her departure. Afterwards, she accompanies her friend to the student union, a campus hang-out with food.

This scene is designed to do three things. Introduce Missie to the readers as an unusually talented musician. It gives a foreshadow of things to come when her professor grabs her arm to stall her departure and it shows how Missie feels about the opposite sex when her friend tries to set her up with a blind date.

Missie is so focused on her goals that everything else in her life is on hold. The last thing she wants is to be side tracked into a medieval world with a dashing and charismatic prince. In the beginning, she doesn't accept any of it as real, but soon learns that it is as real as anything in her life.

She is attacked by the symberveen, a monster with psychic powers to send nightmares and disable their victims. Ravens have a habit of dive bombing her and to peck away. Nasty little birdies. Unicorns visit to give a little help now and then. Giant eagles decide, Missie, looks yummy. (That may not be totally accurate, hehe). The elves are mysterious and show up unexpectedly. The villain is an obsessive, jealous guy with lots of darkness creeping about the corners of his mind. So, what's a girl to do? The flute holds many answers for, Missie.

If I have succeeded to make you curious, you can read the first chapter on my blog. You'll see it in the pages section. I've also posted all the reviews I've found so far.

I'll stop by all day to read your comments and respond.

N. R. Williams (Nancy)

Thank you for stopping by, Nancy.

So, ladies and gents, I know I am very interested to see what happens to Missie. Aren't you? So get creative and maximise your entries! I can't wait to see what you all come up with. ^_^


  1. Hi Misha and Nancy .. congratulations on 300 followers and on your first book draft .. and Nancy on your publication.

    Now is the first time I've been able to read the summary - and yes you have enticed me .. sounds a really good read & is on my list .. good luck and here's to the future.

    Cheers and have good weeks both of you - Hilary

  2. Wow Nancy! It certainly sounds exciting. Congratulations.

    And Misha, congrats on your followers!

  3. Once again, thank you Misha for having me and congratulations on reaching 300 followers. That's awesome.

    Hi Hilary, I'm glad I've enticed you to take a closer look at my book.

    Nice to meet you Anny, I have attempted to make my book a real page turner. Some have said in their review that it is.

    I'll continue to stop by all day, so here's wishing you all good luck.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  4. Congrats on 300! And Nancy, your book Treasures of Carmelidrium sounds exciting!

    As for that question...I would go to Scotland and I would take my sister. Why? Because we want to explore our ancestry, walk the places they walked.

  5. This sounds really good...Wanted to say congrats.

  6. What exciting sounding story, Nancy! (Thanks for sharing, Misha.)

    I want to read it now, so I think I'll answer the question. If I could take anything it would probably be my wife. What if the world was uninhabited? I'd be so lonely! :0) If it has to be an object, then I'd take my eReader crammed with every essential book I could find.

    Congrats on 300, M!


  7. Thank you dish, my roots are in Scotland as well.

    Hi Savannah.

    E. J., I'm glad you're interested in my book.

    Thank you all for dropping by and leaving a comment.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  8. Misha, Congrats on reaching 300!! :) Misha, there is no need to enter me in the contest. I already have the book and am really looking forward to reading it.

    Hey Nancy, Loved your post...I am so thrilled for you with the launch of this enticing story.

  9. Sounds like a WAY fun read!!

    I would take my iPod with some sort of never-ending battery :)

  10. Congratulations on 300 followers and a great interview!

    Thank you for popping by my blog today. I will posting a follow up to the comment question tomorrow.

  11. I'm thrilled Laurie.

    Hi Jolene, I'd take mt reader too.

    Nice to see you, Ellie.

    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  12. What a great post. I think it's important to use chapters to accomplish the most objectives. Good job, Nancy!

  13. Misha thanks for your comment and you are following me. Thanks again and congrats on 300. I'll be following you as well. To both you and Nancy may you both be sucessful and happy.

  14. Hey Misha, congrats on all the followers and thanks for this great intro to what sounds like a fabulous book.

  15. Thank you Tiger.

    That's high praise, Charlotte. I appreciate it.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  16. Congrats on the followers, Misha!
    The Treasures of Carmelidrium seems like a geat book.

  17. Hi Nancy! Your book sounds great!

    Misha, if I traveled to another planet, I'd bring my best friend to have someone to share the adventure with.

  18. Thank you other Misha.

    I'd take a friend too, IB.

    Thank you both for dropping by.
    I'll check tomorrow to see if I missed anyone. Have a nice evening.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  19. Hi Nancy,
    Great teaser for your new book! What a cliffhanger! All the very best for what I hope is a wonderful adventure promoting your book.

    I would take the following on my journey to a lost world:

    1) a journal to capture all the memories
    2) Lonely Planet's "How not to get lost in a Lost World" travel guide
    3) my iPhone. I have a currency converter application, because there is nothing worse than being ripped off by pushy lost world shopkeepers.
    4) anti-diahorrea medication, because lost worlds are notorious for poor sanitation.

  20. LOL Jean, your list made me laugh. I appreciate your teaser comment too. Missie has her cell phone, I don't tell what type because they change so much. But there isn't a signal in Gil-Lael.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  21. Oh, I love epic fantasy. I'll have to put this on my TBR pile. :) Good luck!

  22. Congrats on 300, Misha!

    This book sounds really interesting. I'll have to take a look!

    If I got one thing, it'd have to be my iPhone. I <3 it soo much.

  23. I just found your blog today, Misha. I like what I see here.

    Nancy, I haven't read your first chapter yet. However, I must say that you've already piqued my interest!

    If I could go to another world, I would take my journal. I would just have to hope that a pen got lost in my pocket or something so I would be able to write. That journal would help keep me sane.

  24. Congrats, Misha, on 300+ followers! Awesome!
    Okay, you have definitely piqued my interest in the book. I will have to add it to the ever-growing list of books on my to-read list.

  25. Congrats, Misha, on 300 Followers! And congrats again to Nancy for releasing her e-book!

  26. Hi All! Thanks for entering! Good luck!


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