Monday, September 19, 2016

The Thing with Being a Writing Entrepreneur...

Now that I've decided to make a dead serious go of making a living, I'm having to completely rethink the way in which I'm spending my time.

And the thing is that I'm currently spending more time sorting out my social networking stuff than anything else. And there's so many things that depend on other things that depend on still other things, that I'm finding it really difficult to decide where to begin on a given day.

So, to help myself, I decided to create a nifty, colorful mind-map to simplify things visually.

This is the result...


How are things going on your end?


  1. Wow. I'm glad I'm only involved in a couple of those.

  2. That is a lot! I can't imagine juggling that many, but your map probably represents the head of someone who does, so that's... good? Good luck getting it all sorted out!

  3. oh, you're hurting my head. I just allow my characters to just do what they want to do.

    I'm just keeping my head down, working on novel #33

  4. Wow, that is a lot of social media. I FB, Twitter and G+ and that takes way more time than I want to give to it. I guess you could automate the majority would not be so bad. You go. Nice mind map,

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  5. That's why I scaled way back on social media. I can't run DLP and do all of that at the same time.

  6. That makes my head hurt, and I would be incredibly lost. LOL! Good luck finding a way to make all that work for you.

  7. I thought I had a lot of social media... I post on Facebook... then Google+, Twitter and Pinterest... that is more than enough for me... I also use Instagram once a week or so but not for my blog... Twitter and Google+ are my favorite. All of it needs me to put a time limit on it or I would be on it non-stop ... xox

  8. Yikes!!!! Social media can be extremely draining and time consuming!! Good luck :)

  9. Yeah I just pick what I think is best. For my young adult/real name fiction I have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (well I'm revamping this graveyard) and Pinterest. Google + is for my blog. With my adult work I have Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest. I have never really gone to Youtube because I noticed a lot of successful authors don't have a big presence on that site outside posting some book trailers and maybe a few interviews. Do what is best for you and wishing you all the luck in the world.

  10. Wow - that is a lot! I'm on Google+ but don't do anything with it. Facebook is the main thing I use.

  11. I guess if you can recycle the same posts for the most part on those, that is great. Otherwise, yeah, too much going on. Good luck figuring it out and I hope you have some time for actual writing left:)

  12. I like this map. Like Alex, I too am glad that I'm involved in only a few: Facebook, Twitter and Blogging!

  13. Wow, they are a lot of social media. But from what I read, it works.

  14. Nothing like social media to mess with your head, Misha! That diagram would send me batty!

  15. Haha. Yes, that's MUCH simpler... lol Wow are you industrious, doing Tumblr and YouTube and Wattpad and Pinterest and Instagram (etc). I've purposely been avoiding those. I'm a very visual person, so Pinterest especially would be a total time suck. Fun, but a time suck where no writing would get done. Best of luck!!


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