Friday, June 27, 2014

Update Day!

Wow. I can't believe it's the last Friday of June. As far as my blog hop goes, this is half-way through the year, baby!

For those of you who missed the previous times, me and Beth Fred host a blog hop for people with insane or insanely important goals. Every last Friday of the month, we update on how we're getting along. Want to join? You're more than welcome. Click here for more details and the linky list. 

So, since it's June, I decided to review my goals. But because I was incredibly optimistic last year, the list was long and I decided to post the review on my other blog so I can focus on the blog hop here. Go ahead and read it. You'll probably find that your goal failures don't quite look as depressing as mine. 

Anyway, doing the review was good because it made me realize again that sometimes, life sucks. Sometimes, we don't achieve what we set out to do. Sometimes, just finishing some portion of the things we wanted is still good enough. 

A lot of people have commented on previous posts that I should change my goals, and I basically have. However I will still be using my old list (as seen on the review) for my goal review at year end. Why? Because if I do something for most of those things on the list, I'm still going to be one proud writer. Because ANYTHING I manage to do writing/editing/publishing wise will bring me closer to my big goal.

In the interests of that, this is what I've achieved (in no particular order): 

Started a book on writing craft on Wattpad and got 500 reads without marketing in less than two weeks. (and it's damned good, if I say so myself.) In case you're wondering, I'm not putting it on my timeline since it's really just something I do to get my writing juices going.

Wrote a total of 13k words in rough drafting. (Hoping to get another 5k done by the end of the month.) 

Fully revised The Heir's Choice and sent it to crit partners. 

Goals for July: 

I've shifted some things around on my timeline because my priorities changed. Most of it isn't really important right now, except for the fact that I now have to draft Wo6C3 again. (See the previous post for an explanation why.) 

Good thing, then, that Camp NaNo is in July. And Camp NaNo is what my goals will center around. 

1) To gather a month's worth of writing prompts to get going every day. (Planning to do this over the weekend.) 

2) To edit my two War of Six Crowns books. Book 1 is obviously pretty much done. After all, it was published already. That said, in editing book 2, I noticed some things I should have mentioned in book 1, which is why editing both is on the plan. 

For those of you who don't know, Camp NaNo has a provision where you can convert editing hours into words. 1 hour = 1000 words, 30 minutes = 500 words and so on. I'm going to use it, since I will need to edit and draft in July. 

3) To draft 75000 words, including editing. By my calculation, it means that I'll actually be writing about 50k new words. My priority will be Wo6C3 and the mystery project (MP), but I'll be trying to work on some of my other in progress drafts as well. And... those writing prompts I mentioned. 

4) Reading my drafts in progress. I have five projects in progress except for MP and Wo6C3. Four of them, I haven't touched since November last year. So this weekend I'll be re-reading to catch myself back up. 

How are you doing on your goals? Anyone else doing Camp NaNo? I'm iceangel, if you want to buddy up. :-)


  1. You can do it!
    Impressive numbers with Wattpad. Still haven't ventured there as I don't have the time.
    One hour of editing is a thousand words? Cool, I've been hitting three thousand words a day for the past few weeks and didn't even know it.

  2. You are still hammer ing the writing schedule and accomplishing lots. I have an account on Wattpad but haven't used it yet. I need to check out your book.

    Keep going Misha (like anything could stop you!)

    1. Hammering sums it up. You're being too hard on yourself Misha! Half the reason I joined this blog hop is to keep myself beside great role models--p.s. the other half is Beth xD, you know if you were curious!

      Great thing about Wattpad--you don't need an account to read the books and it counts it as a read, I believe.

      As for the Camp, I am doing this coming month's as well. But I'll be rewriting/revising, so I don't necessarily have a word count goal. I'll add you! And this Mystery Project sounds...mhmm. Interesting. Lol.

      Keep it up. :)

  3. Great numbers on Wattpad. I tried it once, but didn't have the time to commit to it properly.

    We never know where life is going to take us, so we all have to move the goalposts from time to time. Best of luck with your new goals, you can do it!

  4. I agree that setting those goals high and then leaping towards them is a great thing to do. Even if we don't quite get there we will still accomplish more than we would if we set the bar low.
    Way to go with your Wattpad work, and I think I'm convinced that I need to do Nano. I like your plan for writing prompts to get your through the month - I've been working on some stuff like that to keep my writing momentum moving forward.
    Great job on your goals!

  5. Our lives and priorities change, and so our goals should adjust to match. Good luck next month.

  6. Writing and meeting goals is hard. It can raise you up and it can toss you down and sometimes when you land it hurts. But we keep on keeping on.

  7. Keep on pressing forward and hope you meet those drafting goals!

  8. I'm not doing camp NaNo, but I've used NaNo to finish goals in the past. I like that you've made big goals for yourself. I'm sure you can do it--even if you take a little longer than you schedule; life is just like that. Good luck!

  9. Great goals Misha. You are inspiring me in a big way. the title 'The Heir's Choice.'

  10. Good luck with your goals! I wasn't even going to check out Camp Nano but now I think I will, since I'll be doing a lot of editing, too.

  11. It's hard to believe June is almost over! Great numbers on Wattpad!

  12. Wow, you are definitely making tons of progress, congratulations. You can do it!

  13. Ooh, I love your color coding. You're SO organized. I think goals are tough because you feel like a failure if you don't achieve them but sometimes your goals change over time. Plus, life ALWAYS gets in the way!

  14. You're doing great on your goals! I'll be joining you on Camp NaNo :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  15. You're doing great! Good luck in July. I have a kid home for the summer, so I don't get my usual writing time or else I'd do NaNo then rather than in November. Have a great weekend. :)

  16. Hey Misha,

    Always impressed with your goals, my good friend. As for me, never get involved with NaNo or NoNo or anything relating to a dreaded blog hop.

    Soon be July and let the fun continue.

    Gary :)

  17. Misha, you seem to have your goals well charted. I wish you much luck and success!!

  18. That's an impressive list of goals. I'd be lucky to manage that in a year :)

    Good luck with it!

  19. I think you have a very impressive list of goals completed.

  20. Considering the disappointment you had losing your novel, I think you're doing really well with your goals.

    I have never done Camp NaNo. The editing part sounds like NaNoEdMo, but that didn't run this year (usually it's in Feb). I'd be tempted to make use of Camp NaNo for my editing projects ... but right now I fear I'd totally fail. And I don't like signing up for any NaNo projects when I know I will probably fail. I guess that makes me a lame scaredy cat doesn't it? ;)

    Maybe I *will* do Camp NaNo this year.

  21. I love how you're very organized, but aren't afraid to change and adapt things as you go. Good luck on all your projects and the whole NaNo thing! (Too scary for me!)

  22. Best of luck on meeting those goals! I am sure you can do it.

  23. There are lots of people cheering you on. Good luck.

  24. These look like great goals. Good luck!

  25. You have so many projects on the go! I think its a great idea to focus on a few and looks like you have your goals for July sorted. I'm doing Camp Nano too. Can't see how to add friends - but my nano name is RuthL

  26. Good luck in Camp NaNo! You've always got a detailed plan, which is pretty darn amazing. The editing to word count conversion is good to know. I hadn't heard of that before.

  27. Sounds like a good goal list. :)

    I'm at camp too. I don't think there is a follow/ friend feature like there is in November.

    Looking forward to Tuesday.

  28. My goals involved doing the Goals bloghop a couple days late.... Your goals and achievements are impressive. I think I hate you. :)


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