
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On finishing a manuscript...

So... Doorways is done... for most of a week now. Feelings about that: Mixed.

On the one hand, I'm thrilled and enjoying the freedom of not having anything to finish.

On the other, I'm... bored. After all, I've spent a very long time working on it. It's basically framed my life for almost six years. Now it's gone. Sure I might, and probably will do some final polishes, but nothing that requires my immediate attention just yet. On the contrary, if I'm going to do some more polishing even though it's good enough now, I need distance. Which means I need to do anything else but work on Doorways.

In fact, I'm thinking I might take a bit of a break on writing, since it had taken up a substantial part of my life. You know, to experiment with new hobbies, catch up with friends, read more...

*snort* Yeah. Right. My muse is already back on my case with a variety of options as to what I can work on.

So... maybe my writing holiday will come to an end soon.

What do you do after finishing a manuscript?


  1. Congrats Misha! And keep writing, it's the only way I've found to keep from going crazy when I finish something. :-)

  2. After finishing my first manuscript, I really focused on reading a LOT and then created and started working on my blog.
    I really like dto switch between reading and writing, i feel like it helps me to not get worn out on either of them.
    Now Im working on my second book, while I have beta readers and CPs working on my first book.

    Congrats to you for finally finishing! I know you have been working on it for a long time. Enjoy your feelings of success and accomplishment.

    1. I also want to focus on reading more and blogging more, although it's hard when my muse is always trying to drag me back to some story I don't even know about yet. :-D

  3. Oh that's brilliant congratz :)

  4. Congrats, Misha! Don't think it's over yet...rewrites and revisions will surely follow at some point.

    Take a break and celebrate a job well done, then start a new project.

    1. Hahaha no it's really over. Done with revisions, rewrites and edits. ^_^

  5. I put it aside, take some time off, and veg the brain. If something else comes, I make notes and come back later.

  6. What is bored?
    I concentrate more on my guitar playing.

    1. Now there's an idea. Haven't touched my guitar in months. :-D

  7. Yay, congrats!! but I get the idea of "what now?"
    Reading sounds like a good idea, and the fall tv shows are starting up now (there are too many good ones to keep up with)
    I'm always surprised to see people finishing books after only a few months. At the rate I'm going my current WIP will probably take at least 6 years. Oh, gosh. I hope not.

    1. Yeah! Maybe I can actually forgive myself for vegetating in front of the t.v. :-D

  8. I put it away for a bit (so when I come back to revise it will feel like something new and different) and work on something else, either an old toy or a new one.

    1. Hehehe I'm planning to. Although I see it as finished enough to query to agent. It's just that my inner editor is convinced it needs another look-over.

      I'm planning to indulge it because I lock it up for months and years when I'm drafting. :-D

  9. Congrats! That's great!
    Personally, I think brief breaks are refreshing. But boring has no meaning to me as there's always a new story idea nagging at me. :)

    1. Hahaha I know what you mean. When people say they're bored because they have nothing to do, I kind of think they're weird.

      When I'm bored, it's because I'm FORCING myself to do nothing. :-D

  10. I usually take 2-3 weeks off in between MS's. That's not to say I don't jot down notes here and there, but I just let myself relax. I usually catch up with friends, read, and catch up on T.V. shows.

    Congrats on finishing! It's such a great feeling!!

    1. 2-3 weeks sound really good to me. I think I'll aim for that, because anything longer ain't gonna happen. :-D

  11. I try to give my MS 2 to 3 weeks to cool down before editing it but, to be honest, my muse kicks in with another idea before I'm finished writing. Most of the time I can't make it through a week without writing something and when I'm not writing I'm thinking about story ideas, plots, characters...it never truly ends. I wouldn't have it any other way! Enjoy the moment of completion but don't be afraid to embrace a new beginning.


    1. Yeah my problem is my muse wants me to start working on the sequel already. :-/

  12. What do I do? I wait for Misha to email me a pic of her map as she promised she would :)

    1. Please see my e-mail. :-( I'm really sad now, because the map took hours to draw and I really liked it.

  13. Congrats on finishing! I just finished the 4th draft of my YA Urban Fantasy, as well. I'm taking a break for a week, and then it's back to revisions. I'm sure you'll come up with some new idea to write about!


    1. Oh I will, but I'd really like to not write for a bit, although I'm thinking my attempts to avoid it will be futile.

  14. It must be exhilarating to get to the end of such a big project. Congratulations, Misha!

    1. It definitely is, even though I see the project as a quarter of the way done, since it's only book 1 in a four book series. :-)

  15. Get a day or two off, then start a new project and begin looking for markets/agents, or whatever for Doorways, so after any future touch-ups, it'll be ready to go.

    Great feeling to be basically finished with it, right?

    1. Definitely. :-D

      I already have my agent list done. Query should hopefully be ready....

      So there's nothing to do except to start, which I am, by taking part in GUTGAA.

  16. Take a break, write something just to keep the gears churning, read lots... then, in a few weeks, read it over and see how it stands.

  17. Take some time to read, relax and recharge. Then you will be raring to go again.

    1. Definitely. I think the past few month especially drained my creative resources, so I need to take some time to take a breather before I can start again.

      Otherwise I might turn into a zombie.

  18. It's always a crazy time when a book is finished. It's hard to find the 'right' new project, but distance is good. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

    1. Thanks! Of course, as soon as I finish responding to comments, I'm going to go fetch my tablet, which might or might not tempt me to write. I don't know yet. :-D

  19. Congrats on finishing! I'm sure it feels awesome. When I finish a MS, I usually start a new one. ;) But a little break is usually in order.

  20. I take a break from writing and work on something non-wordy--though I often turn to the internet and blog as much as I can during the project interim.

    1. Yeah, I'm now considering to spend my writing time painting and/or playing guitar, but we'll see. :-)

  21. Whoo-hoo! You did it! Congratulations! :D If your muse is nagging at you, then take full advantage of it, especially if its wanting to write something new. :)

    1. Hahaha yeah. Sadly, she seems to want me to write something Doorways related. :-/

  22. Whaddaya do? You CELEBRATE YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! Congratulations on completing Doorways! Now, go have some fun. :-) (Not that writing's not fun - it's just also WORK!)
    Some Dark Romantic

  23. Congrats! I have also finished my first book. I submitted it in May and am still waiting to hear anything, though I am happy to not have been rejected yet! *grin* I recently finished the research for a second book and am deep into writing again. I must say, I missed it. Give yourself a break if you need it, but I think you'll find another project is just the thing to help you through the long wait until you hear back from those agents and publishers.

    1. Wow that's great! Fingers crossed you get some good news soon!

      I'm definitely planning to write while I wait, but first, I need to decide on a story. :-D

  24. Huge congrats on wrapping it up! I went through a similar transition with my first big, beloved WIP several years ago. It took me a couple months to fully get my mind out of that world and jump into writing something new, but then it was a joy!

    1. Hahaha yeah. I actually don't know if I want to leave that world just yet. Still, I guess it could be a good thing. :-D

  25. Reading definitely helps to take your mind off things, take a ride through someone elses world

  26. I start the next one! Seriously, I get really irritable and antsy if I'm not at least planning a book.

    Well done finishing your book. I think my first took me 10 years just to get up the courage to start working seriously on it, and then 2 years to right and edit.

    1. Hahahaha I'm also starting to get antsy, but I don't really know what to start with, and I know that it will be better for me if I don't jump in just yet, because the creative part of me is tired.

  27. I just finished mine two weeks ago and right now, I'm debating on whether to go back in or wait longer. I've written a short story in-between and have another idea for another short story to work on if I should wait. The problem becomes, because it takes me so long to edit, I'll most likely get into the holidays with submissions. And most agents email boxes are full at those times, some even close. So it may be next year before an agent even reads my query if I wait too long. What to do, what to do?

    1. Well, if you still need to edit it, I'd say you should wait a bit so that you can look at it from a fresh perspective. :-)

  28. Congrats on finishing!! That's such an amazing feeling. I usually try to take a break after finishing a book, but like you, I usually don't last long before tinkering with new ideas. :)

    1. Thanks! Hahahaha I already bought a notebook in case an idea strikes. :-D

  29. Congrats with finishing your manuscript! I recently just finished one of my books as well and published Volume 1 of it as an e-book. I know the feeling of completing a story ad the feeling of, "I finished, now what?" After I finished my very first manuscript, I felt mixed about it also, which is why I am in the process of revising it once more (after several previous changes before that, lol). Normally, I tend to switch back and forth between manuscripts.

    Regardless, at least you finally accomplished completing it! I look forward to reading it one day! :)


    1. Thanks! Yeah... my main dilemma at this stage is if I should give in and write when I'm tired. Been working my butt off to finish it so I deserve a rest. But do I want it? :-/

  30. Well done!

    It is a strange feeling coming to the end of such a long project. Relief, joy and an odd empty feeling.

    I fill that up by switching to either of my current WIPS or one of the half baked plot ideas that are bouncing around my head!

    1. Yeah it is empty. Weird, but true. I guess I just have to give it time. :-)

  31. Sounds like you have a bad cae of writers hangover :)Congrats on finishing your book!

  32. What do I do after finishing a book? I crash for a day or two and do absolutely no work, no email, nothing. Sit around and watch movies and read light books.
    Then I start the next one.

  33. Congratulations on finishing, that is awesome!!!!

    After I finish I do anything else than writing for a couple of days and then I just continue on another project (I am working on 3 projects right now).

    1. That's I want to do, but when I'm not doing something writing related, it feels like I'm going through withdrawals. :-D


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