
Monday, May 23, 2011

My month off is nearing its end...

Hi all! I just want to check if anyone is interested in guest posting on the Fridays after June. The dates are wide open, but no-one seems to be biting. I'd love to have some more guests, so if you want to write a guest post about anything related to writing and/or the literary world, plug your book, anything, please follow my blog and let me know that you're interested in booking a slot. My e-mail address is mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT) com.

So yeah... I am about to enter the last week before my break from writing is over and, while it was lots of fun to do nothing for a while, I'm now starting to feel the stirrings of that old, annoying niggle.

I'm bored.

Very bored. My mind has already started working on new ideas as well as for ways to improve Doorways. Now my hands are itching to get back to writing.

To me that means that now is a good time to do nothing.

Yep, you heard me. Nothing. It's just stirring. I don't care for stirrings. They wane and fade almost as soon as I start to address them.

No, I want to feel a rush when I touch my work. I want to feel that I can't wait until I spend some time on ideas both old and new. So... more word fasting for me, at least until the end of the month.

In the mean time I've picked up two writing books, one about writing in general, the other about revising. I'm thinking about starting in on the latter. After all, Doorways is my priority.

So that's me, feeling the urge to return to my writing, but resisting and distracting myself with other shiny things.

What are you up to? How's your writing going? Have you ever taken a break after finishing a draft?

Also, I'd love to know if you guys want for me to share some of the things I learned from the two books I mentioned?

Dying to know.


  1. 1)Yes, I sometimes take a break after I finish a first draft. Then I go back and make sense of what I've written, connecting any dots or loose ends.

    2)Definitely, share what you glean from the books you read on writing.

  2. The writing is slow lately, but I'm hoping it'll pick up soon. And, I haven't taken a break after finishing a draft since I started writing seriously in January 2009. I'm almost always working on the next flash piece, short story, or novel. A break might not be a bad idea, though.

  3. I get the same way--sometimes I need a break and my writing feels all dried up, and then the stirrings come, and I try to ignore it until I HAVE to write.

  4. I alternate writing and editing... And I've taken breaks where I don't let myself start a new project, but I let myself write short stories or HP fan fiction... I think if I let myself take a break, it would be too easy to lose momentum.... Glad it feels like it's working for you though!

  5. Breaks, even if forced because my professor thinks lots of projects is amusing, amp up the love factor for a project. When I start dreaming about scenes that's when I know that soon as the break is over I'll be writing like a madwoman.

  6. taking breaks after finishing a draft is very important. it gives us the necessary distance so we can edit our work with an editor's eyes, instead of an author's eyes. :)

  7. Misha you should let me read the first chapter of your book :) I'm curious.

    Oh and I gave you an award on my blog. Stop by and get it if you want it.

  8. You're almost there!! And then you can release the writing beast!

  9. I like taking a break after I finish my final draft. Usually, I reward myself by reading in my preferred genre, something I never do while I'm writing in that genre.

  10. i try to take a break after my draft, but i'm not always successful at it...

  11. My break just started and already I'm feeling those stirrings. I'm using them to come up with ideas for the new project I'm starting next month.

    I have an idea for a guest post, but I'm going to let it simmer.

  12. My breaks from writing, unfortunately, are often unintentional... :) Love your willpower! I hope when you're back to writing - you flood your pages with awesome!

    And, yes. Please share!

  13. Reading books on writing are always so inspiring and make for great discussions! I'd love to hear what you've learned!

    I'll book mark ya for guest posting. I'm going insane with my current schedule! Aaaack!

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  14. I find it very hard to take a break but it's important to try at least a short one inbetween drafts. You're almost to the end of yours! Did it go by fast? I would love to read some posts on what you learned from those books!

  15. Shelly, that's my plan too, except that this is the second draft and I hope that most of the drafts are connected by now.

    Cherie it might just be that the fact that you haven't taken a break is the reason why things are slowing down. It's happened to me, in any case.

    Laura that's what I do too. Stirrings get depleted too easily.

    Hart, I might do that too, although I'm probably going to edit in the week and write on weekends. I really want to get Doorways to a place where I can start querying. As for breaking, I find that lessening pressure is less damaging than putting myself through the wringer. Words come faster on average when I take a break. :-)

    Steph I've been there too. Feel your pain. Good luck when you get back to your project!

    Nutschell, that's exactly why I took this month long break.

    Michael, I'll let you know when I've polished chapter one, then we can talk. Thanks lots for the award! :-)

    Hehehe Colene, I'm hoping that it's the editing beast that's preparing to pounce.

    Maria that sounds like a great reward. I'll definitely do something like that once Doorways is completely done.

    Falen, I'm not either. The break between first draft and rewrite was really short. I must have been really tired this time, because the break lasted through the month.

    Brooke, that's a good thing to do with those stirrings. I'm glad to hear you're interested in guest posting. Just remember to book a Friday ASAP.

    Donea mine tend to be unintentional too. Every time I get a writer's block, I stop until I sort out whatever caused it. This time I needed to break to get distance from my WiP so that I can edit.

    Elizabeth I'd love to hear what you think about what I learned. Let me know when you want to post. ;-)

    Jennie my break flew by faster than I thought it would, but it's starting to go slowly now. Strange, given that I couldn't wait for the break to start.

  16. I do that with my running more that my writing, but I think the principle's the same-- I take a week or two off after a major event, but before the end of the break my mind is longing to get back out on the road. But I resist, just to be sure that I really want to do it! :)

  17. This fear that you will never be able to finish or even to get back to the level of creativity you enjoyed before is quite common with creative people. After almost 50 years as an art director, creative director,and advertising illustrator, I have been subject to this feeling many times. The temptation to do other things and to pursue hobbies, home improvement and even affairs of the heart call like sirens. We are told we are too involved with our work. We tell ourselves that perhaps we have lost the instinct to write, to paint, to compose. So, we become our own worst enemy and Doubt becomes a constant companion. So, what is one to do. Two things seem to work.
    The easiest is to turn your attention to something else and pursue it with the same zeal with which you pursued your creative work, then wait until the muse winks and invites you back to your work. Don't rush, but make the muse call you.
    This will always work; just don't get anxious and try to rush the muse. She hates that. As you know, a little lack of interest will attract rather than repel . The difficult second way demands one to face their fears and see how self-generated and self-defeating they really are. Stand up and defy them and the world if necessary. They will retire into the background where you can look over your shoulder and call them dirty and politically incorrect names. Beware boredom.
    No one has a boring life who lives in the moment. What a cliche...but examine this too and you will see that it is true. I wish you the best in your writing career.
    May you look back on your ceative life and say, "I never worked a day in my life!" My best.

  18. Su, that makes sense to me. Taking a break from running is good for you, every once in a while. As long as you don't rest more than you run. ^_^ Same as writing, come to think of it...

    Count, I definitely had that fear recently after I finished my first ever work in progress. But the ideas I've been getting proves that my worries were unfounded. I am trying very hard to live in the moment. Sometimes it's difficult, but it's always worthwhile. :-)


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