Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Improvising a Poem...

Hello all!

Finally, I am back an ready to get posting. I was planning to be back by yesterday already, but three of my best friends in the whole world threw me a surprise birthday braai (similar to a barbeque). So I thought that blogging in their presence to be a tad rude.

While I was contemplating that thought, I suddenly remembered that I had signed up for a blogfest to stretch my creative mind.

As per usual, I completely forgot about it until the day it is due. So... Here's how it works.

I pick a picture from the ones offered...

And then write a scene of no more than 500 (bahahahahahaha) words in narrative-verse poetry.

Fun right?

No idea. I've never done it before. But here goes.

My convoluted narrative verse poem...

Dreaming of a Victorian Christmas

On the day before Christmas,

The heat and light darken
Into a night so cloudless
That I imagine that Star beckon
To those first three gift givers.

And as I ponder
Those three magi,
Who at great peril followed that wonder
There is a thought of where I
Wish my star would take me.

If only I could be
In London
With my family
Dressed in shirts of pure cotton
And crinolines and bustles.

I suppose I would wear
A corset if I must
If I could only get to stare
At things before the rust
Of the ages have settled.

Of course, it would snow.
In lovely thick drapes
And we would know
To cover up in mantles and capes
Before wandering out to play.

How fun it would be!
Skating and riding on a sled
And frolicking before we
Set off to home, cold kisses,
Hot chocolate and bed.

But then, clear as day
I see,
I don’t need to go away
To be right where I want.
For what I really wish

Is for all those I love
To be in good health.
This is what I want above
All dreams going to unknown places
And of worthless wealth.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.




  1. "a thought of where I wish my star would take me' is such a lovely concept, Misha. You did such a nice job in so little time.

  2. Yeah! I'm glad you remembered! :D I like made me feel cozy. Good job!

    Thank you for playing along! :)

  3. Thank you very much Tricia. I'm glad you liked it. :-)

    Thank you Caroline. :-D

    I'm glad you liked it Valerie. I really enjoyed writing something different. So thank you for giving me the incentive to do so. ;-)

  4. I love your poem! You wrote this on the day? I could never do something that good so fast.

  5. Yep I started writing it about thirty minutes before posting. I'm glad you like it. :-)

  6. Beautiful poem, Misha! Hope you have a happy new year!

  7. That's a beautiful poem. :)

    I hope your braai was a lot of fun and welcome back to the blogosphere. Have a happy new year.

  8. So cute! Great job :) I hope you had fun at the braai (love learning new things)!

  9. Thanks so much ladies! I had a great time visiting with my friends. :-)


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