Friday, June 30, 2017

Update Day: Wait. Where'd June Go?

Hey everyone! It's the last Friday of the month, which means it's time for an update for my Got Goals? bloghop. More information and sign-up guidelines can be found here.

How I Did

Looking at my total income for the month, you'd think not that well, but that would brush aside the fact that I've had another surge of work coming in at the end of the month, which won't show until July. 

Besides that, I also did a lot of work that will hopefully have long-term pay-offs, which I won't see just yet. 

Writing-wise: I made my goal of a 10-minute average for the month. 
YouTube and Social Networking: ... Everything went well until last week Monday. I just haven't touched ground since then. To give you an idea, I'm writing this at 10:44 p.m. on Friday night. Because it's literally the first open moment I've had. I wanted to do this as a vlog post, but I didn't have the time to record, much less edit the video.

Goals for July

I did a crazy thing and signed up for Camp NaNo. So the goal is to write 50k words in July and hopefully finish Book 3. 

For me to do this, I really have to sort out my schedule so that I have at least two writing hours available every day, regardless of whether I have anything else to do. So this month I'll be aiming for a 2-hour daily average for my writing. 

If I don't make that, it's fine, but I think two hours a day is a nice amount that should be in the realm of possibility for me. So it'll definitely be something I want to strive towards. 

Here's the thing, though, I want to do that without disrupting my social networking and freelancing. And this is often where I falter. I get the feeling that one or the other will fall by the way-side as I'm trying to sort all this out, but I'm going to cut me some slack and say that I'm going to call any progress in July a win. 

What about you? Are you joining Camp NaNo? Do you manage to balance your life with your writing? HOW DO YOU DO IT? I HAVE TO KNOW!


  1. Best of luck with Camp NaNoWriMo! I'm not participating, since I write comics instead of novels, but I've noticed others say they will. 50K words in a single month is such an impressive goal, so I hope you find a way to achieve it without hindering other responsibilities!

    1. I like the 50k goal because, as far as ambitious writing goals go, it's in the lower range of my writing capability. I.e. it might be a challenge, but I know I can do it. As supposed to say 150k words which is theoretically possible for me, but that I've never achieved.

  2. I'm not doing Nano this month. Too many things happen in July. But WTG and may you get many s'mores and words!

    1. Thanks! April was that way for me, so I ended up skipping that Camp NaNo.

  3. Wow. Nano in July! I admire your stamina. 50,000 words in November is enough for me. I hope you can carve out the 2 hrs a day. Should be possible. Good luck, and I guess we'll find out how you got on at the next update day!

    1. One day, I'd like to generate 50k of writing or the equivalent editing every month. I'd be unstoppable then.

      Which is partly the reason for that 2 hr a day goal. If I manage to carve that niche into my day, I could actually get back to being a somewhat prolific writer. ;-)

  4. Awesome! I think you're doing great with all of life going on for you. Way to go with all of your work.
    I decided to jump into Camp NaNo last minute because I could make a crazy goal that I thought might help me both with writing and revision - 75 hours of work. It is probably completely insane to think I can get that in this month, but I figured I would put the bar high and see if I can climb to it.

    1. 75 five hours is a lot, but I know you're capable of it. And even if you get half that, it's still a lot for a writer. So it's actually a nice goal to set. ^_^

      Best of luck!

  5. Good luck with Camp NaNo! I love NaNo events for helping us smash out a project so that we at least have a starting point to work with. I hope you manage to find your two hours per day, I know it can be tough sometimes!

    As you saw at my blog, I'm doing pretty well with my revisions, and I'm hoping I will soon have some books ready for beta-reading.

    1. It is a tough ask, but after months and months spent in writing limbo, I relish the challenge.

  6. I used to NaNo religiously, twice a year, wishing it was on more than twice a year. But I've not come anywhere close to winning since I had kids, so I've given up now. I like to think I'll get back into it once they're both in school. Best of luck with Camp NaNo!

    1. Yeah I'm sure trying to NaNo with small kids is an impossible task.

  7. Wow, those are some intense goals. Power to you! You can do it:)

  8. I joined Camp NaNo, like I usually do, and I've done nothing so far. You've got 17K on me. Lol. :) I'm still outlining my story, but I'm hoping to get on it soon...

    Keep keeping on, Misha!


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