Friday, September 4, 2015

Guess what finally arrived today...

That's right. My paperback proofs are finally here.

I already checked them and everything's as it should be. Which means that the paperbacks should be available on Amazon by next week, and on extended sales channels within the next two months or so.

Will keep you posted.

How are you doing?


  1. About time they finally got them to you! They look great! Congrats!

  2. Congrats Misha, the books look super :)

  3. Congratulations, Misha! You must be so relieved.

  4. I know digital is trendy, and also pretty cool, but for me it can't beat holding a paper copy of my works. Maybe I'm just too old-school. ;)

    Very glad to see your books re-released!

  5. SO exciting. Yes, there's nothing like holding a copy of your book in your hand!

  6. I like the book covers. Good luck with your future writing.

  7. They look great, Misha! Nothing like holding your own work in print.

  8. Ooh, that is very exciting! They look really good. I WAY prefer paperbacks to electronic reading, as do many. Glad they are printed well.

  9. Congratulations Misha! So exciting!


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