
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

And for today, something deep, but beautifully written.

Hi all. I was going to blog about something else entirely, but this caught my eye and I thought I should share.

Basically, this is about trolls and bullies, written and spoken by a guy who had been bullied himself. But basically, I think this is one of the best written pieces on the subject that I've seen/heard in a while. In fact to me, it has a stark sort of beauty that moves me to think.

So give it a watch and maybe share. Heaven knows, I think more people aught to hear this.


  1. It is very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Shane you are a master! Cayne and Hannah great music. This was very deep and thought provoking, Bullies exist but we have to fight to protect both ourselves and others from them.

  3. Seems I saw something else of his that was also fantastic...thanks for sharing!

    1. Probably his TED talk. That's where I saw him the first time. :-)

  4. I wonder if internet bullies and trolls always see that's what they are? Once outed and made to confront what they've done they often seem ashamed.

    1. Yeah. People are so thoughtless these days, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people bullied others without realizing it.

  5. Really beautiful, Misha!
    Lovely weaving of words...almost poetic...and deep!


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