
Friday, December 13, 2013

What to Do... (Need a CP?)

So... today I finished my first round of edits to Birds vs Bastards. That's very fast, I know. But I don't know whether the first edits went so fast because the story's so good, or because I'm still blind to its faults.

Most likely it's the latter, but at least I'm sure that it's polished enough for crit partners to look at it. So I've sent the first chapters off to two so long.

In the meantime, I'm at a loss as to what I want to do while I wait for feedback. See, I didn't expect edits to go so fast, so I didn't really put thought into what I'd like to do next.

Really, I'm thinking I might rest until year end. Or until I feel the need to start in on something else. Right now, I don't, so maybe a rest will be a good thing while I wait for two of my CPs to get back to me.

By the way, I'm looking for a few CPs for Birds vs Bastards, so if you like reading adult urban fantasy and would like to see something new, please leave your e-mail address in the comments, along with a short explanation of what your book's about. Of course, I'm willing to crit in return, but please know I don't read erotica, horror, MG or Picture Books.

So what's Birds vs Bastards about?

Aleria Tyson wakes up in hospital, unable to remember the terrorist attack that put her there. In fact, she remembers nothing. Since she's immortal, that's a huge problem. 


  1. I don't have anything written at the moment. Congrats on finishing edits so quickly.

  2. Rest. That's the best present you can give yourself right now.

    PS. Love the logline!

  3. Congratulations on getting through edits fast. Heck, just enjoy, Misha.

  4. Maybe do a bit of marketing, and some reading to recharge your imagination and writing batteries.

  5. Congrats! So happy to see someone is on the ball, and finished their edits. I'm slogging through edits now. Have a restful weekend.

  6. It's always nice to have breathing room. I'd read for you but I'm reading for 2 others right now.

  7. I'd totally take a break! It being the holidays and all...I could use one :)
    But then, honestly, the "work" I do, never really feels like work, so if I get some free time, I always wander back to the keyboard.

    Thanks for offering to host me...I will so take you up on that offer! And I am a slow critter, and I'm not going to claim to be the best, but I'd happily add my two cents! You can send it to eseckman(at)ymail(dot)com.

  8. Congrats on finishing a round of edits! That always feels good. :)

  9. Good job with finishing those edits. I think you deserve a little break for the holidays.

  10. Wow, awesome job! I'm nowhere near finishing my edits of my latest novel.

    ...of course, I have to finish the markup of the rough draft first.

    ...just as soon as I'm done writing the rough draft.

    ...which can't happen until I actually start writing the rough draft.

    ...just as soon as I'm done with my outline.

    No -- that's it. I've actually got the outline started. :)

    Take a break and enjoy the end of 2013!

  11. I love your goal of making so much on royalties. I'll definitely check back to see your progress. You book sounds amazing. I would be into critiquing, though I can't promise to be fast on a whole novel. shell0flower at gmail. My novel is a YA romantic comedy called Pot and Prejudice. The title probably speaks for the whole novel--it's a modern day Pride and Prejudice plot where the parents are hippies.

  12. MG horror erotica with pictures? Is that legal?

  13. Congrats on finishing your edits. Just like almost everyone else, I say rest and relax! :)

  14. Oh Misha, I think you're one of those people who simply cannot do nothing. but you've had a busy year and plan on at least four more. So why don't you sit back and wait a week or so for CP's to send back your edits. Your mind will be clear and you'll be able to get stuck without distractions from other, newer projects. You'll also be able to enjoy the season and be fighting fit for the new year. Isn't that far more productive than starting a new project? :)

    CP? I want a new one for book two in the Supes series next year (urban fantasy) so I'd be up for a swap. My only issue is there may be some scenes in it which you dislike if you dislike horror. Not a lot, not slasher-type or gore though. Anyway, something to think about. :)

    Best of luck Misha. You're doing so well as always. X

  15. I always have several projects on the go, so don't get stuck for something to work on. The only downside to that is it takes longer for anything to be finished.

    An imortal with memory loss sounds intriguing.

  16. Your book sounds really intriguing but I'm trying to finish my first draft at the moment. Maybe if you're looking for a beta later on, I might be able to help.

  17. Congrats, Misha. Those are good problems to have. I vote for "chillaxing" until the new year.

    Your pitch rocks!

  18. It's always good to take a bit of a break, especially around the holidays!

  19. Typing with one finger.

    Toddler asleep on my shoulder :)

    I can read.

    Send away.

    The End. :)

  20. A break sounds necessary. I hope you find your betas.

    Yes, my giveaway is international.

  21. Ah, an immortal with no memory? Sounds amazing.

    I vote that you rest. I think it helps the writing process!

  22. I wish I could help but I'm digging my way out of the pile of client edits I have. My clients have been busy writers this fall. :)

  23. Misha, if you're still looking for another crit partner, I love to exchange books. (But mine's the third in the Screwing Up Time series...)

  24. Misha!! I just got my draft back from my alpha reader, and it's a mess (Soulless, book 2), but if you're up for it the end of January, shoot me a message. I'd be totally happy to exchange. =)

  25. Concept of CP appeals assuming reciprocity? My current wip is first in a series of stand alones - this one has a Last Will and Testament drawn up in South Africa in 1901, discovered in Western Australia in 1960 with the executor being a designated partner is a Scottish legal practice. Story based on how Trusts formed in the first place, who will now benefit and where are they to be found. Shamelessly, portions of future stories are based in South Africa 1882 - 1902 + short in 1925 and again in 1962 and I will very much value how credible you will find these. (Way down the path just now!)


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