
Thursday, December 13, 2012


As you may know by now, I'm busy going around and catching up on months' worth of return visits that I never got to do.

I can honestly say I'm loving this. It's just amazing to read what's going on with friends new and old.

In addition, it also got me thinking again about what I can do for next year to make things even better. I have a couple of original and not so original ideas kicking about, so as soon as I have them cemented in my head, I'll be sharing them in the new year.

One thing I will say, though, is that Guest Post Friday is at an end. BUT! I will be hosting regular guest posts and interviews. I'll just be doing things a liiiiittle differently to before.

Next year, I want to make the writing bloggosphere an even more awesome place, but I can't do it alone. Who's willing to help me? No help can be too big or too small and I'll NEVER let your help go unnoticed.


  1. I'm revamping my blog next year, too. I'm really excited about the changes I have planned and look forward to a new year!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. All the best with the changes. Looking forward to see what you're up to.

  3. Whatever you need, I'd be happy to help :)

  4. A change is always good to freshen things up. I've slightly altered mt blog already!

  5. Good luck with the changes. I need to do the same thing with my blog and website. Let me know what I can do to help.

  6. I don't mind helping,if it's within my range of skills. More info, please.

  7. I'll be happy to stop by all the time and cheer you on, but being a rather incompetent blogger myself, I don't think I should give you advice 'cause I'd likely just mess you up.

  8. Hey Misha, things do take a little shaking up now and then. If I can help in any way, let me know.

  9. I'm revamping my blog next year too! I'm looking forward to it. I think it will be both less work for me and more beneficial for other writers! Awesomeness. Also, you asked for help what did you have in mind? I'm usually up for helping ppl ;)

  10. Hi Misha,
    I've been enjoying receiving your comments on my blog and, so I thought I should pop over for a visit. I'm impressed. You have a very active blog.
    I'm sure what you're plans are regarding guest post Friday. Intriguing. I'm going to continue with guest post Friday on my blog. If you'd like to be featured, please email me leanne@oknitting.com

  11. I'm happy to help Misha! Everyone has been so wonderful with my anthology release that I really want to give back in return.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am happy to help as well.

    I just hope the coming year is a little less mad than this one has been.

  14. I'm definitely up for helping with whatever you need! I've been thinking of some ideas for my own blog as well. At first, it was enough to just have a small blog, and some followers. But now I want to have a really fun blog that is cool and interesting, that people actually look forward to reading. So I've been tossing around some ideas for that. Hopefully I can make it work.

    But again, I'm up for helping with anything you need!

  15. P.S. Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. haha

  16. It seems like most of what I do these days is try to catch up with return visiting so I know where you're coming from about that. It's good to keep looking forward and to keep the ideas flowing. Standing still gets us nowhere. Let me know if I can help in any way and I'll try to do what I can.

    A Faraway View

  17. I would love to help, Misha!

    Yeah, I revamped my blog quite a few months ago and now, I'm hosting blog tours and cover reveals galore! Now, I'm getting incredibly sick of it so I think I have to change it AGAIN. But if I don't host anything for my fellow writers, I will feel so bad, so I think I'll continue to do it, just not as much.

    Great post! :)

  18. I am eternally behind on my blogging. Count me in on whatevs you need.

  19. I'm so in Misha! I'd love to be involved and lend a hand. Great new blog look too. I've been off the grid for a bit too. Finding Esta and Bobby the pub has stolen my time.


  20. I look forward to seeing what next year brings :)

  21. Change is especially good when we are the instigator of it. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes. If I can help, just let me know.

  22. Hey Misha!
    I'm willing to lend a hand... but a warning... I'm tech-challenged, so nothing in that line... he! he!

  23. Sounds great. Change is good and I'm up lending a hand. Maybe you can give ME some ideas. I'm ready to start fresh in 2013.

    Have a great end of 2012.

  24. I'm hopeless when it comes to tech stuff but I can cheer you on! I'm taking a breather on my blogging but will pick up again in the new year. Looking forward to 2013!

  25. It's so hard to keep on top of visits! I hear you.

    I'm making some changes to my guest post schedule next year, too.

  26. Thanks so much for the support, all! More details will be forthcoming soon.


  27. I've been doing the same myself - I had dozens of unanswered blog comments. I'm not planning any major blog changes but will continue with my Speculative Fiction Writer gues posts as long as there is a demand.

    Good luck with your 2013 goals.


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