Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still getting back on track...

I was planning to do a bit more of s substantial post, but I'm not really able to, because I had to go fetch a visa to Germany.

Besides, there's not much going on, so I can't really say much.

Soon though, I will. Tomorrow I'll probably get out of the house to work a bit outside, which can only be good for my creative resources.

Hopefully then, I'll be able to write some more before year-end.

Also, I hope to be able to visit some of your blogs soon. Miss you all!

What are you all doing?


  1. In addition to usual work and getting ready for Christmas, I'm working on some fun flash fiction stories. Just something a little different as I unwind from NaNo! I've also been brainstorming my writing goals for the new year and will be writing them down soon.

    Hope you're having a good week!

    1. Mmm... there's an idea. Maybe I should do some of your writing exercises to get me motivated for NaNo book two again. :-D

  2. Germany, that sounds fun! When and why are you going to Germany?

  3. We've missed you! Germany will be fun though.

    1. Yeah I'm so excited. Planning to work and play hard while I'm there.


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