Monday, December 17, 2012

Just some heads-ups (and to explain my sucky day)

Thanks so much for the encouragement and hugs I received on Friday.

I kind of spilled my heart on this subject today on TCoML, so I won't be writing much of a post here, except to say that the reason for my really shitty day and what I realized about it is in that post, if you want to go check it out.

Before you head over, though, I want to say thank you to everyone who expressed a willingess to help make next year awesome on this blog. I will definitely be putting out more details towards the start of the blogging season next year, since a lot of people who might love to take part will be away spending time with their families. But let me say, that if we get it right, this will be awesome for everyone who reads MFB.

See you tomorrow!


  1. Whatever you do Misha, I'm sure it will be awesome.

  2. You have to have some sucky days, if only to highlight the super amazing ones!

    1. Definitely. I see life as a painting. Without the dark areas, it would never be as beautiful or perfect.

  3. I, for one, am super intrigued to hear what your plan is.

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

  4. I hope things are much better for you today.

  5. The more difficult decisions, when properly made, usually yield the more preferred outcomes. Stand strong, Misha.

    1. Thanks for the support, Jeff. It truly meant a lot to me when I read this comment.

      Still does.

  6. Wishing you well with your plans and hope you have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas.

  7. Read your post on your other blog and I'm sorry you've had such a rough time, Misha. But glad you're feeling at peace with the situation now!

    I'm looking forward to finding out what you have planned for MFB. I've no doubt it will be awesome. :)

  8. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. I hope the new year brings you tons of happiness, health, and success.

  9. Here's hoping a great Christmas and a magnificent new year.

  10. I'm curious to know what your plan is... and I'm sure it will be super duper awesome:)

  11. Some days really do just suck. I hope that's all over with and things are on the upswing!!

  12. popping on over. But before I do, I'll wish you a very happy Christmas.

  13. Dear Misha,

    And as you move on from your downer moment, you embrace the kindness of the blogging community. We all try to inspire each other.

    Remember, even though my human and I are discreetly in the background, we are here for you :)

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! xx

    1. So true. It's wonderful how much the blogging society supports its own. :-)

  14. Hope that was your last sucky day for a long time :)

  15. Oh dear, I hope you're ok. Thinking and praying for you!

  16. I feel crappy for making this comment a request for me. But #1 I hope you're okay and will be thinking of you.

    #2, your blogger email reads as "no reply" so I can't send you our pages. I know, I'm probably blanking on what your email is, but could you send it to me again? Thanks. . .your scatterbrained friend, erica.
    ericao75 @

    1. Hahahaha no problem! I needed the distraction. :-)

  17. All the best with carrying out your plans. I'll be following along with interest :)
    Duncan In Kuantan

  18. holding back takes more strength than retaliating... good for you! and good luck!

    and we can make 2013 a happy new year!

  19. Sorry to hear about your bad fortune! Hope things are better for you now!


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