
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm doing Jane Austen January

One of my reading goals for 2012 is reading books by Jane Austen.

I've only read Pride and Prejudice so far and I loved it, but I really want to read at least a few other books.

It was particularly fitting, then, that I found the Jane Austen January blogfest towards the end of December, because it gives me the excuse obligation to read at least four of her books an write about them.

Since I still refuse to do reviews on any of my blogs, I won't do that. Rather I'm going to handle the posts as What I Learnt From... posts, since I enjoyed doing it with Huck Finn.

Those posts will be up on every Saturday in January and if it's a hit, I might consider making it a weekly thing for the rest of the year. We'll see.

Anyway, there's no real sign-up involved, so I'm sure you can still join if you need the excuse incentive to go flirt with Mr. Darcy again...  

Anyone else taking part in JAJ? Any other blogfests that I should know about?


  1. Sounds like a great idea, hope you have many takers. Carole.

  2. I'm also enjoying some of the old classic's. Just finished reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, it deserves it's prestigious place in literature. Good luck with it.

  3. My favorite JA books are Persuasion and Emma.

  4. I've always been a fan of Mansfield Park and Persuasion.

    Does Pride and Prejudice and Zombies count?

  5. Ooh, this sounds like an awesome idea! I love Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion :)

  6. I have never been a Jane Austen fan. I know a lot of people love her work but I'm just not one of them. I admire her career though.

  7. Sounds like you'll have a brilliant month of January, because...it's Jane Austen! I love the wit and heart in all her books. Pride and Prejudice is my absolute favorite. Sense and Sensibility is a close second. What a lovely idea for a blogfest! I just may have to join...
    Catherine Denton

  8. I've never read anything by Jane Austen before, but I will be obligated to read Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Persuasion for my English Lit course.

    So that means a Jane Austen January, February, March, April and May.

    I just hope I like the books (I wasn't fond of The Great Gatsby for example).

  9. Just dropped in to say, "Have fun!" :D

  10. Just dropped in to say, "Have fun!" :D

  11. I did a Jane Austen marathon a few years back and loved dipping into her books again!

  12. Looking forward to JA January. I love to revisit the classics. :)

  13. Definitely make Persuasion one of the four you read. It's my favorite. Northanger Abbey is my least favorite.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  14. I keep buying her books, but I haven't read any yet. That's horrible to say since they are so well thought of. Good luck with the challenge. I'll try to read at least one this year.

  15. Hmm, I think I've also only read Pride and Prejudice. I mean, I love the stories (I've seen most of the movies/mini-series), but I struggle to actually read them!

  16. I won't be participating in the JA blogfest but I'll be on the look out for your What you learned... posts. I know you've got some great stuff to share.

    Sophia Chang has a Dusty Bookshelf challange where you are to read the books already on your bookshelf.

    I'm participating in the 2012 Debut YA/MG Author challenge on Goodreads. Already got Under the Never Sky to start it off.

  17. I'll be posting about a blogfest that I found out about over at Cassie Mae's blog. And I think you should join Alex's Insecure Writers Support Group.

  18. Although I appreciate what she accomplished I find Miss Austen a bit too wordy. No doubt I will be trying to participate in Arlee Bird's A to Z Challenge.

  19. I've read Pride and Prejudice many times and I love it...I still have yet to see a Mr. Darcy on film that does justice to the one in the book. I've read Persuasion, and I think I've tried to read others but couldn't get through. I'm looking forward to reading what you learn about them!

  20. I'm not, but it sounds really awesome!

    And have I mentioned lately how much I love the sides of your blog? It makes my eyes so happy, I can hardly stop staring!

  21. I read through Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility with my Dad one summer. Never got around to sitting down to starting up Persuasion or Emma. I think my poor Dad (as much as he adores the classics) has had his fill of Austen.

  22. I'm not 'doing' JA January. But by coincidence I am reading Sense and Sensibility at the moment (in those few moments I get to read)

  23. How awesome! I just came across your blog and your happy "excuse" for reading JA. She is absolutely incredible! I hope you had a wonderful Jane January that will luckily become Jane 2012. If you can get your hands on BBC+A&E's 1995 Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle I guarantee you'll totally love it. Good luck and may you have a wonderful Austen year.

  24. How awesome! I just came across your blog and your happy "excuse" for reading JA. She is absolutely incredible! I hope you had a wonderful Jane January that will luckily become Jane 2012. If you can get your hands on BBC+A&E's 1995 Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle I guarantee you'll totally love it. Good luck and may you have a wonderful Austen year.

  25. I admire JA as a writer without appreciating her writing, for in those days a woman author had an uphill struggle. But her's are really early chick-flicks. If you want to see what women of her time had to say read Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre". It seems to be in the typical vain of a romance, but the depth of the main character who is the narrator and an obvious alter ego of the author surpasses all Jane Austin's heroins by a mile. Jane Eyre is the for-mother of the best and the brightest of today's feminists.

  26. To me, reading Jane Austen is not an obligation but a most desirable afternoon siesta session :)). I embrace your words, they prove wisdom and open mindedness :).

  27. I've been meaning to read all of Miss Austen's works as well, perhaps I should endeavor to set my mind to the task more.
    I was wondering if you could tell me where that picture is from. I searched in Google for 'Jane Austen' and this portrait came up. I've never seen this portrait of Miss Austen before, so I was curious if you could quell my curiousity. Have a good day. :)

    1. Hi. I found it in google images same as you, although I can't tell you the specific site anymore. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy her books when you get to read them. :-)

  28. i never read this book.. but i'm glad if somebody permit me to join in jane austen book club..


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