
Friday, May 6, 2011

Dare to Dream--Even if it Means Writing a Musical

Hello all! Welcome to a new installment of GPF. Today, I have the honor of introducing you to Crystal, who is currently working very hard to get Immortal: The Musical on the boards. But I'm not going to say much more. All I'll say is go check it out. The music is awesome. Take it away, Crystal!

Dare to Dream--Even if it Means Writing a Musical

Thank you for this opportunity Misha--and congrats on finishing your rewrite! 

When you're young people tell you to dream big and reach high. One of those people for me was David Buckner who wanted to "own hotels". He's now a successful business advisor and professor at Columbia University who did end up owning hotels. He shared his story with me at the impressionable age of 15, emphasizing just one phrase: "Dare to Dream". 

The idea remained so solidly that seven years later, when I woke from a literal dream, I ran to my piano (keyboard) and started plucking out the song which has changed my life. 

Dreams are tentative things. They take thought, effort, and even a few failures before they're realized. Hard work and "belief" (as Shepherd Book of the Firefly series put it) is what makes our dreams a reality. You have to "believe hard". To quote Wesley from Princess Bride, "Anyone who says differently is selling something." 

(I LOVE Wesley.)

So this is my 8 year (and counting) dream:

After three centuries of bloodthirsty silence, Lucas has found hope. If he’s capable of love, is he capable of redemption? And will the hunter, her uncle, kill him before he has the chance to discover?

Immortal the Musical

For anyone who can catch the "vision", the website is a rough representation with music recorded in the very early stages of development. It has recently entered into the negotiation stages of production on a new concept CD, including work shopping and staging. We hope to hold a concert series in the upcoming year as well as piloting a TV reality show, 365 Days to Broadway. 

Dare to dream, because dreams can become reality, but not without extreme ups and downs and an unwaivering belief. 

What is your dream? 

Thanks so much for this post, Crystal, I think everyone needs a reminder that they need to keep dreaming. 

One more thing to add. If you are interested in booking a GPF slot,  feel free to contact me. The available dates and my e-mail address is posted on the scroll bar.


  1. Fascinating interview and some great thoughts to take away from it, like hard work and belief making our dreams a reality. If we don't believe in ourselves then who will?

  2. OK...I've been dreaming, and dreaming...and DREAMING (and working hard)! Can I please wake up now and be published?

  3. Crystal, you're an inspiration!

  4. A very good post. Thanks Crystal & Misha. Happy Friday.

  5. Misha--thanks for the generous intro. You are rock awesome!

    @Rosalind, 1, I love your name! Beautiful. 2, I completely concur!

    @Em-Musing, did I forget to mention the third ingredient? (Time) Keep at it! You'll get there.

    @Angela, thank you! You sound like a woman after my own heart.

    @Odie, so glad to stopped by to read.

  6. Inspiring post! :) I love the message. Dreaming is important to achieving, isn't it?

  7. Ooh, that sounds really awesome! I went and checked out the website it looks like something I'd like! I can't wait! Good luck Crystal, I'll be waiting :D

  8. Great post Crystal! Thank you for the inspiration! :)

    Misha, I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! Pick it up here: http://melissakline.blogspot.com/2011/05/versatile-blogger-award.html


  9. Great Post, Crystal. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. To write a book. working hard at it.....

  11. Well done for getting so far! Thanks for the interesting post!

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  12. Mt dream is to write a publishable book and I'm aiming straight for it, (hopefully )

  13. Great post! My dream is publication and mwntoring young writers-- taking big steps toward both!

    I totally believe in going for your dreams and supporting others in theirs along the way.

    I blogged about my hubby's dream-- check it out!


  14. Definitely, Golden. I think dreaming is vital. :-)

    TayLyee I agree. The musical sounds awesome. ^_^

    Thanks so much, Melissa!

    Thanks for stopping by, Rachna. :-)

    Same here, Wendy. Good luck!

    Thanks for stopping by, Amanda!

    Me too Rebecca. I only hope that the agents and publishers agree that I aimed right.

    Jo, I actually also want to start mentoring people who never wrote before. I agree that supporting other people's dreams while following your own is the best way to live the life. Good luck!

  15. You are such an inspiration, Misha. Keep on writing!

  16. Golden Eagle—Absolutely. Without our dreams, where is hope?

    TayLee—Thank you!

    Wendy—Way to be!

    Rachna & Melissa & Amanda—Thank you.

    Rebecca—Aim for the stars eh? =)

    Jo—Checking it out. Mentoring sound like an adventure!

  17. Misha, Hi. Thanks for following my blog. You have such an exotic name, very nice. I really do like your guest for this Friday and he actualy reinforces what Jesus tells us about faith and keeping on keeping on. God bless both of you Love, Geoff.


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