Saturday, February 24, 2018

Update Day: February

Well that was somewhat annoying. I missed my own bloghop, thanks to internet gremlins getting into my internet connection just as I wanted to write this post.

Anyhow. The Got Goals? Bloghop is a group of us who have set some crazy or some seriously important goals. Once a month, on the last Friday, we post updates on our progress. For more information or to join in, click here for more information.

Last month, I set some goals for February that are aimed at bringing me closer to my goals for the year. So let me take a look at each goal and how I did.

1) I want to finish this revision round of Book 3 by month end, if I can. 
I don't think I'm going to get there before the end of the month, but I am through 70% of my chapters.

2) I want to make a final decision with regards to whether I'm going to use my old system of CPs for each round of edits after this point, or hire an editor. 
Because of me not finishing, I think I'm moving this decision out to next month.

3) I want to post regular updates to my blog and vlog, and also update the content that goes to my other networks. (The two are related.) 
I'm not quite happy with my progress here. Although I did much better than I did last year, I still missed days thanks to my unexpectedly hectic schedule. We'll have to see how I do next month.

4) Maintain and further improve the healthy habits I've started to establish in January.
I actually took this a step further. So now I'm drinking large amounts of water every day. I'm also exercising more and finally, I've cut all refined carbs from my diet. This decision has been a while in coming. See, I love love love bread and other baked goods, but I just don't like how they make me feel. But it's really hard, basically impossible for me to just lower my carb intake, so in the end, I decided to cut out basically everything but healthy carbs like those in fruit and veg.

5) Read for an average of 15 minutes per day. 
This month was a bit hard for me. I was really busy, and because of my prioritizing my editing, I'm currently closer to 10 minutes per day. I might still get to 15 minutes if I get a few hours' reading in over the weekend.

So because I still have to do all these things, I'm just going to set the same goals for March.

How did February treat you? Have you been making progress in February? What would you like to achieve next month? 


  1. Drinking a ton of water will make a huge difference. It takes eating right and exercise for health and most people just want to do one or the other. Never worried about bread or carbs though. Cutting beef and milk out of my diet made me feel ten times better though.

    1. Yeah I have to say I feel much better since changing my diet, drinking water, and exercising more. And now I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to see the difference, which is awesome.

  2. Hi Misha - well done ... that water is good for you, I've always drunk lots of it. Also I realised early on 20s that though I love bread and potatoes ... I was mainly better off without them - so like you hardly ever eat them. Good luck - sounds like you'll be feeling healthier soon .. cheers Hilary

    1. I already am feeling much better. I am still eating potatoes here and there, because that's helping me keep food costs down. Because MAN, eating this way is EXPENSIVE.

  3. If you need a critique partner for your next round, drop me a note. Always happy to help.

    Am working towards publishing in March, but coming to the end of what I thought would be my final read through, after picking up some errors that I introduced in the last round of edits I'm having to go for one more read before handing over to the designer.

    Good luck with your healthy habits. The hardest part of things like that is to make it sustainable. Hope you are getting there.

    1. I definitely will drop you a line.

      Best of luck with your edits!

  4. If you're a fast reader, 15 minutes a day can accomplish quite a bit. Me? I'm a slow reader.

    1. I'm a very fast reader...if...I...*cough* actually read anything *cough cough*.

  5. I'm proud of you for meeting the goals that you have met. We done! Sounds like it was mostly a hard month, but you haven't given up. I hope March kicks a bunch of butt for you.

    1. Yeah it was a bit hard. Not in the way some of the months last year was hard. Thank goodness. No, this was just mainly trying to find time for everything that needed to get done, with a significant number of tasks being on par with my writing and editing, when it came to priorities.

  6. I've followed your blog for years, between times spent being a full time carer, and always willing you on to succeed.

    1. Yeah I remember you're one of the first people to start visiting my blog. It's been years and years. :-D

      Thanks for your support!

  7. 70% is still a lot to get done! And cutting out carbs is a HUGE commitment that takes a LOT of willpower! Looks like you're doing a lot to get where you want to be :-)

    1. Yeah cutting carbs is hard, but I do feel much better, so that makes it worth it.

  8. I know people who don't really drink water. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THESE CREATURES. Water is sustenance, it's life, and any non-water drink just does not quench my thirst. Yep, I'm Team Water!

    I want to post more in my blog too. As it stands I basically post once a month, if I'm lucky. I want to get back to how often I used to post, so I'm going to try to work on that. :)

    1. Yeah I'm also trying to get back to my old posting schedule, but I'm not sure if it's possible anymore. :-/

  9. It sounds like you had an incredibly good month! Go you! Wishing you lots of luck with revisions in March :)

  10. Exercising is good because the endorphins can make you feel good; I often feel better after leaving the gym. That's why I try to work out at least 3-4 times a week. It's hard for me to give up carbs, partly because I love cookies so much; that's why the Atkins diet never would have worked for me.

    1. I also adore sugars and bread, but I just feel like I'm not functioning like I should be when I'm eating them. :-/

  11. I've always been a HUGE drinker of water, but even though I know it'd probably be better for my health to take it easier on carbs, I can't see myself ever giving them up entirely.

    Sounds like you're making good progress on all of your goals. May March treat you even more kindly.

    1. It is a total mind shift to get off carbs, since it affects how I prepare and consume food, but now that I'm in it, it's not that hard.

  12. Sounds like you have set some good goals. Wishing you well with them! :)

  13. Drinking water is very important. Good luck on your goals!

  14. Internet gremlins have been messing with me lately, too. Darn things!

    And best of luck with all your goals for March! I think you did pretty well for February, considering how hectic that month as a whole ended up being for you. Hope the last 30% you need for your revision goes smoothly!

    1. Thanks! All the best with your projects as well. :-)


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