Monday, March 21, 2016

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Hey everyone!

Today, I'm just doing a quick stop to take part in the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal.

The rules are simple. If you're taking part in the A to Z Challenge, sign up here

Then on your blog, do a post to announce the theme you'll be following this year. 

As for my theme... Well. I know usually I post about writing or editing, but this year I'll be up to my neck in pre-release activities. For those of you who are new to my blog, I'm releasing a book on 30 April. 

So. To remain sane and to give people a few glimpses into the book, I thought I'd do this: 

In other words, I'll be sharing A to Z related snippets every day along with a short intro. 

Quick and simple, yes. Which means I'll be able to visit more of you. Which is good, since I'm also part of this: 

Welcome to anyone new who's stopping by! Let me know what you think of the theme! 


  1. Sounds interesting. Great way to get to know your book. Cool.

  2. Considering you'll be working toward a release, I say it's the perfect A to Z theme. Like Jamie said, it's a great way for readers to get to know your book.

  3. Smart theme! I included bits about Dragon of the Stars last year for my theme.

  4. I love it! I'm doing the same thing with Murder & Obsession. I've been told book blog tours don't carry any weight, gosh first it was FB is useless, don't discuss your book on twitter and now book blog tours are out. I don't get it, but damn, I'm talking about Alaska and my latest regardless. Besides it's my favorite topic. :)

  5. I think that's a great way to get people excited about your new book. I'm looking forward to reading the snippets next month. Cheers - Ellen |

  6. That's a smart theme which serves dual purpose! Good luck for your book, Misha and the April challenge too! Cheers ♥

  7. Awesome theme leading into the release. Best of luck with both A-Z and the book.

    Best wishes.

  8. I remember your blog from last year. It is thrilling that you are keeping your five year plan. I'm sure it has had its twists and turns. Congratulations on the release of your book. I look forward to catching up on your blog.

  9. Promoting your book through the AtoZ, that's a great idea!
    Have a lot of fun... a gather a lot of new readers in April!

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

  10. I think it is a great theme! And neat that your book gets released the last day of the challenge!


  11. Congratulations on the book! :) I'm looking forward to finding out more!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  12. That sounds like a two fold theme, giving us insight to the book and participating in the A-Z all at the same time. Can't wait.

  13. Your goal to make $7,000 or so a month is close to my goal of $5,000 a month within the next 5 years. Anyway, good luck with your A to Z posts!

    A to Z Theme Reveal: Becoming an Author

  14. Misha, great way to help promote your upcoming release. Good luck with everything!

  15. That's a great way to build hype for your book.

  16. Hi Misha - that's excellent and so appropriate bearing in mind your release is the 30th April ... enjoy the A-Z and exposure your new book will get along the way ...

    Cheers Hilary

  17. That sounds a great way to give us a sneak peak into the book. Wonderful! :) all the best!

  18. That's a great theme since it will be leading up to the release! Looking forward to your posts.

  19. It's cool that you want to share your book.

  20. Great theme! It's different for every author, so it's kind of neat to get a look into someone else's process.

  21. What a great way to play in the challenge. I look forward to your posts.

  22. Sounds like you're really busy. I'm glad you had a chance to work the challenge into your business.

  23. Loved the banner with Counting Down to Endless! Lovely.

    Here's to a great AtoZ this year.

  24. What a gorgeous cover! Great idea for a theme.

  25. I think the A to Z challenge is a great way to get to know so many new bloggers... I couldn't participate though, I barely have time to write once a week... Good luck Misha xox

  26. Yay!! We'll help you countdown to the launch with coffee & wine and witty banter!!

  27. A great decision for your theme. I wrote about the settings in a newly released novel last year. I enjoyed writing the posts and hopefully people enjoyed the read. I can't say that I SOLD books as a result, but the posts were interesting in and of themselves. Good luck with followers in 2016.

  28. That's a great way to tackle the challenge! Easy and a great way to promote your book!

  29. That is a great idea about posting the snippets and I look forward to reading them.
    All the best with everything goes with finally getting a book out so that others may read it.

  30. What a great mix of the Challenge and your book release. You must be so excited. I can't wait to see it!

  31. Great theme! Can't wait to read more about your book :)!

  32. Good luck with the new book - and very ambitious to be part of Damyanti's team as well as bringing out a new book - she's a slave-driver ;)
    Jemima Pett

  33. Short and sweet themes are good for the challenge. With so many blogs, it makes it easier for people to want to visit you.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  34. Great theme idea, looking forward to getting a sneak peek of your book!

  35. I look forward to learning more about your new book. It's a great theme idea (if I say so myself).
    Elizabeth Hein - Scribbling in the Storage Room

  36. Sounds like fun! I look forward learning about your book through your posts ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would Have It
    Lori @ Promptly Written

  37. Hi, Misha,

    Congrats on your release! Great way to give a tidbits about you upcoming book... ALL the best!

  38. Congratulations, Misha! will be cheering you on through your posts, and thanks for being part of my team!

    Damyanti, AZ cohost 2016

  39. Very cool, Misha — and congrats on the release! Will be an exciting month for you :)
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

    P.S. — Three cheers for the awesome ladies of D's Company !! So happy to be a part of this with you.

  40. Congrats, sounds like April is gearing up to be an exciting time.

  41. I like it. Simple is good, and that's a great book cover too.

  42. Smart. Kills two birds with one stone.

    I'll see you during the Challenge!

  43. Promoting yourself is a great A to Z idea. That's a really striking cover. Looking forward to hearing more about what's inside that awesome cover.

  44. Short & sweet!
    Plus a great way to promote your new potential readers...a win-win-win!

    I'm showcasing bloggers books and book reviews. There will be loads of giveaways too!

    Writer In Transit

  45. Good luck with the book release - hope it goes really well and the challenge goes smoothly too.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  46. I'd say it's a clever choice, will help you to keep your head in the game too I think ☺ and I'm looking forward to read your writing 😉

  47. I think you have a great idea. The challenge is the perfect time to promote a book and hook readers.

  48. Quick and simple, but intriguing!
    Perfect theme for a pre-release. :)
    Happy blogging!

  49. Misha, what a great idea!!!!! Looking for to it...

  50. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    Excellent choice for an A to Z challenge theme. Good job. My theme is the craft of fiction writing. Tips, lessons, and prompts from various writing reference books. I follow it up with a sample of my work.
    Your theme is great. I'm looking forward to seeing even more of it on my blog! :) ;)
    April should be exciting. I'm looking forward to the event. Best of luck to us both on meeting our goals of posting and hopping to other blogs.
    My blog has a giveaway. There's a bonus a to z challenge each day to encourage people to visit more stops.
    See you Friday for goals.

    ps- BREATHE. One breath at a time.

  51. This will be a busy month as you get ready for the book release!


  52. That's a cool way to give us a peek into the book! Looking forward to seeing you in April!
    The Little Princess


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