Monday, August 10, 2015

Terry W Ervin II is interviewing me today.

Hi all!

We're in the home stretch for my blog tour as this is the final week. Although, if anyone wants to interview me or wants me to do a guest post, just let me know. I'm always game. :-)

In the meantime, Terry interviewed me, and we covered a wide range of subjects. From what I like to read, to why I use a pseudonym and how my paintings look. (I sent him a picture too, if you're curious.)

See you there, I hope!



  1. I'll pop over and say hi! You're going to be an expert at interviews, Misha.

  2. Wishing you all good things with your books, Misha.

  3. Busy girl! It's wonderful, isn't it, to have a reason to be so busy? :)

  4. Hey, Misha, thanks for taking the time for the interview. It was fun and informative. Glad I got to know you a little better.

  5. Heading over, but congrats on your tour and hope it's been going well!!

  6. Great interview. Some sound advice there.

  7. I'll check it out.

  8. Would you like to be a guest on my blog this Monday?

  9. You must be tired from all this touring. Good for you though. It seems like it's going really well.

  10. Hi Misha,
    You've had some great interviews.
    Hope you're selling like crazy.


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