Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Where I am and a short update

So... uh... I didn't know until last night that I'm supposed to be manning the stations for Unicorn Bell this week.

Because I'm pretty much stuck in my writer cave, I thought I'd use the opportunity to share tips that help me get through writing marathons like NaNo and Camp NaNo.

Today's topic: Multitasking.

You read that right, and no, it's not wrong.

A short update on my progress: I've written 21k words and am now about 500 words away from being two days ahead. The real bragging point here: 12k of those words are written by hand.

How's your Camp NaNo going?


  1. I agree with Alex, that is a great word count. Well done. Good-luck with the busy week ahead.

  2. I am the world's worst multi-tasker. I am more like the one track minded. I should go read and learn how to do it.

  3. Wow! Impressive word count! I'm way behind my goals this month for Camp NaNo and for . . . well, all the projects. I'm going to have some "oops, I forgot when they were coming" guests next week, and I'm not sure how it's all going to work . . . but I may have to get up at 4:30a.m. to write.

  4. Hey Misha,

    I'm a multitasking dude! Yes, it true! Well done on writing so much by hand. Did you manage to count each word and total it up correctly? :)

    And you know my thoughts on NaNo, Camp NaNo or anything like that. NoNo, I say!

    Well done and keep smiling, dear Misha.

    Gary :)

    1. Hey Gary,

      Yep after each writing section, I take a differently colored pen and count sections of ten words. Every time I finish, I multiply by ten and add the odd end that didn't reach ten. Then I have my total word count.

      Then I have an excel calculator I'd written for myself in January. I only need to put in the total for each book and it calculates how much I added to it, and the total for the day, month, etc.

  5. Congratulations on the word count, especially considering so much was written by hand.

    Multitasking. Hmm. I'm not good at balancing multiple tasks. Off to read your post!

  6. CONGRATS on your word count!

  7. Wow! That's awesome with the word count! Going to go check out Unicorn Bell.

  8. Keeping track of hand written words IS impressive! I always write on scraps and lose them places ;)

  9. Impressive progress! Keep it up, Misha.


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