
Friday, September 27, 2013

The Vanished Knight is out next week. HEEEEEEEELP!!!

Yeah... The time has come, ladies and gentlemen! I have a release date, and it's much sooner than I expected.

In fact, I'd like to launch The Vanished Knight by 15 October (projected release is 4 October).

For me to make a bit of a splash, I need your help. I know this is super short notice, but I literally found out thirty minutes ago. The delay between finding out and posting this was caused by me picking myself up from the floor.

Because I know that your schedules are super full, I'm doing it this way: I'm letting you decide when you'd like to do the post. If you can help at all, please let me know in the comments:

What you'd like to do. I'll do: guest posts, author interviews and character interviews. You can also request an e-copy of my book for reviews, or simply my cover and/or blurb to post it on your blog.

When you'd like to do it. Anything from 15 October to 31 January works for me.

Contact details. I need to be able to contact you.

Thanks in advance to everyone who'll help!


  1. Want to do a guest post for me October 25? You have my email.

  2. Email me, Misha. I'll definitely be able to help you with a guest post.

  3. Very exciting! I'd like to do an interview of some kind. Email me.

  4. I've already mentioned I'd be glad to help out. :)

  5. Misha - that's awesome, and I would love to help out. Let's do a one word interview (feature on my blog most Fridays). In addition to that (but probably before) I would be happy to do some kind of release day splash - cover art, blurb, etc.
    I look forward to reading your book!!! E-mail me and let me know what I can do to help.

  6. If you want to do a guest post sometime in November, let me know!

  7. I'll put you down for the 15th. I've got a lot going on that week, so a cover and blurb is probably all I should commit to.

  8. I can post your cover October 16 and do a guest post October 25. Things happen and you just have to do your best. Contact me: queendsheena@hotmail.com

  9. I'm booked through the end of the year. I can host you on January 20 or January 27. You can email me at tikihuttime AT gmail DOT com

  10. The Cave is at your service, dear Misha. Any Friday of October would be perfect for a guest post, but if Fridays are already taken, any other day might do, except the 30th. A guest post would be absolutely excellent, as the dwarves love to have female authors visiting the cave. ;) Drop me a note at fatherdragon1@gmail.com. Dragon Hugs

  11. I come to look at your goals post and see you have good news. Congrats! I'm willing to help in any way. I'll come back to you with a date.

  12. I'm free anywhere you'd like in the latter half of October. certainly for a cover reveal and blurb.
    email me anytime at aldreaalien[at]yahoo.co.nz

    If you like, I've also got room for a guest post early November.

  13. I wish you all the best of luck......sure it will be a success.

  14. Thanks to everyone who've offered to help so far!

  15. I can help, Misha! :) My e-mail is Ashley.M.Nixon-1[at]ou.edu. I'm not picky about dates. We can do a cover reveal or guest post!

  16. Misha, contact me through my website and we can do an author interview for my blog. www.ervin-author.com

  17. Misha, I'm happy to host a guest post or do an author interview. Just let me know which you prefer. You know how to contact me.

    So exciting! I'm looking forward to getting a copy :-)

  18. Wow, that's so soon Misha! I would love to help! I could do an interview and/or a book review. :) aimeebeajodoin@gmail.com

  19. Send me cover and blurb. I'll post it on October 31st.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  20. How about something on Oct 18 at The Write Game? Maybe you could tell where you got the idea for your story and some of the steps you took from writing to publication. Would that work?

  21. Any Tuesday in October would work for me, and I'd prefer a guest post. Also, if you want a review on Amazon/Goodread/my blog, shoot me a copy of the book and I'll have it up about a week later. arbiterofsanity@gmail.com

  22. Feel free to pick a Friday after November 1. (My Friday Feature is booked until then). I'll take whatever kind of post you'd like to do. An excerpt, a deleted scene, guest post on a topic of your choice, or you could interview your MC, etc. Just shoot me an email with the Friday date you'd like and I'll pencil you in for that date so I don't let anyone else take it. My email is khashway(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  23. I'd love to help! Not sure what my blog schedule is--I'll have to check. But email, I'll make it work. c (dot) marie (dot) keller (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. Hi, Misha...

    OMG, you must be crazed.... I certainly can help out! I am booked the up to October 17th and after the 24th .... How about Monday... October 21st... I would LOVE to do an exciting intro for you. Send me a synopsis, cover, and blurb.... I'll take it from there.

  25. Congratulations! I'll do a cover and a blurb for you. Here's my email: sherry.a.ellis@gmail.com.

  26. Its not much but I'd be happy to post cover and blurb whenever suits you :) happy excitement

  27. I could do a release day review and/or guest post. I would need a few days prior to the release to read your book.
    Squeak - The Alaskan Bookie

  28. Hey Misha,

    I'm excited and I've just met you! I can do a, well anything really. Interview, guest post, or cover blurb. Any date between October 26-October 31st works. Or even the first week of November, I'm pretty flexible with dates.

    You can reach me at brian @ living with words . com

  29. Hey, Misha! I'm booked until November 25th, but I'd be happy to schedule you for a guest post then. Just let me know. :)

  30. Mentioned on FB that I'm anxious to help out but I wanted to leave a comment here too just to make sure you have my info. I'm happy to do a guest post or whatever works best for you. I'm almost totally free in November if you want to pick a date. :)

  31. Thanks so much, ladies and gents! Your generosity blows me away.

  32. I'll help, too. Whatever you'd like to give me :)

  33. Misha, I will absolutely help out. Let me know what you need me to do. I'm pretty flexible.

  34. How exciting! If you're looking for a fill in date let me know and I can see what I can manage for you. MW or F.

    Tossing It Out

  35. Don't forget that since you are a part of the A to Z community you are welcome to do a guest post at the A to Z Blog if you wish. Name the date and we'll reserve it for you as long as it's available.

    Tossing It Out

  36. I'm so late to the party. Hey, if you want to guest post a "Funny Friday" for me, I'll take it! (You have my email, right?)

  37. You can do a guest post on my blog pretty much any time you'd like. And if you want to send the cover and release info (blurb, links, etc), I'll post that as well, or in addition, or whatever. We're very flexible at My Pet Blog.

    mjfifield (at) gmail (dot) com

  38. I'd be happy to hot a guest blog if you still want more.

  39. Dude,

    Put me in Coach.... just let me know what you want/need - and when.

    Me flexible.

    I got your back :)

  40. I'd love to help! Schedule me whenever it works for you and just let me know. Oh and do whatever kind of post works best for you- I up for whatever- just glad to help. email me- rebeccagreengasper@gmail.com

  41. I'd love to help. I can do a cover reveal and blurb. Maybe a short interview too.

  42. Hey Misha. I can help with a cover reveal and blurb... and I'm more or less flexible...

  43. Misha, I can do a post on October 28th ;)
    It can be a guest post if you have time to write it up for then, if not let me know what works best.

  44. Hey Misha, I'd love to help anyway I can. A guest post would be great, anytime that suits you since I am pretty flexible. You can contact me through Google+

  45. Hi Misha, I could post an interview (or something else if that works better for you). Any time from end October onwards would probably be best for me. suzannefurness@hotmail.co.uk

  46. Misha, I can do a guest post around mid November.

  47. Congrats on your upcoming release and let me know how I can help!

  48. I'd like to do a mini interview with one of your characters. I'm rather booked through mid November. I can offer Nov. 4, 20, 22, 25, and I have most of December open.

  49. I'd love a guest post about The Five Year Project over at Repossible I love the goal (I (secretly) have the same goal. Why do I like yours better? Because you're public about it. I'd love to hear your story and then, as per Repossible guidelines, at the end add to each of these bullet points: Possible: ... , Impossible: ... , Repossible. Hope to see you!

  50. I'm good for the any Wednesday after the first one in January. Email me at jmwordsmith at gmail dot com.

  51. Mon or Tues are dedicated to writing events, so just let me know when you would like to post and I will mark you down. My email is rarichards68 at gmail dot com.

  52. I must have emailed you, I'm not in this thread. OR did I dream it after all? Either way, gimmi a guest post. My calendar is on my blog so check for an opening and grab it quick. :)

    http://shahwharton.com | shahwharton at g mail dot com.

  53. You need a date filled at the end of November or in December, just let me know. I'm pretty flexible. :)


  54. I can host a guest post any time. iansbott at yahoo dot ca.

  55. Hi, Misha. I can host a guest post on my blog in November.



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