Monday, September 23, 2013

Follow Fest

Hey all! Sorry for the delay. Have kittens in the house and I'm a bit busy taking care of them. Here are my answers, though...

Name:  Misha

Fiction or nonfiction?
Fiction all the way.

What genres do you write?
At the moment, I'm writing or have written epic fantasy, urban fantasy, sci fi, historical fiction, YA and Adult. 

Are you published?
My YA Epic Fantasy will be published in the near future. 

Where can people connect with you?
My Writing Blog (see to your right for various following options)



  1. Replies
    1. But, Alex. I thought you were following ME everywhere. LOL

  2. Kittens!
    Awww. You are so forgiven. :)

    You need to post pictures. Right, bloggers? Let's all bug her until she posts some cute pics. :D

  3. Hi Misha!

    Good luck with your novel. I like the same genres so I'll try to keep an eye out for it

  4. YA epic fantasy? Nice! I'm following you on Twitter, FB, and Goodreads.

  5. Awesome intro Misha. Have fun with the kitties.


  6. I tried writing fantasy, but all of my characters ended up sounding too neurotic and obsessive. I figured it would be better for me if I stuck to chick lit, since the protagonists of those books are usually neurotic anyway. But I still like reading fantasy, though. :)

    1. The same thing happened to me. My drama/tragedy turned into chic lit because I wanted to keep my neurotic characters. The characters and plot unraveled into a romantic comedy, and it worked out better than I expected. Sometimes the characters and story write themselves. I surrender to the muses.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh kittens are so much fun, but also a ton of work! Hope they don't drive you too crazy or get into your orchids! Take lots of pictures though if they do. (:

  8. Kittens, bless. I remember the days of kittens very hectic but very rewarding and a complete heartbreak when they are ready to head for their new homes. Have followed you in several areas. hugs Joss xx

  9. Misha, since I already follow you I thought I'd stop by and say "hi". Looking forward to your published work, though ;-)

  10. Your goal really caught my eye! Love it ( : Looking forward to following you on your writing journey.

  11. Hey, the kittens always come first. They are such a blast.

    Five year plan? I started writing my first story (Harry Potter fan fiction) four years ago in order to learn how to write and I'm still not finished. I hope I can be done by the five year mark!

  12. Hey Misha! Okay, so I'll be waiting on the pictures of the kittens...

  13. Hey Misha, I found you here AND at Untethered Realms. You're busy!! It's great to meet you :)

  14. Love the goal you set for yourself!Hope you're getting close to achieving it!Love epic fantasy!Glad we could connect through our love of writing!

  15. Hello, Misha, I believe we're pretty much following each other. Congrats on you YA Epic Fantasy right up my alley!!

  16. Hi Misha,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice meeting you too.

  17. Hi Misha! Nice to meet you & I'm following you everywhere I have an account. :)

  18. Hi, Misha! It's great to meet you through Follow Fest. Good luck with your goal!

  19. Hi Misha, it's nice to meet you. Congratulations on the upcoming release of your YA epic fantasy. The goal you've set is great. I'll be following to see how you do. :)

  20. Hey, Misha, great news about your new release coming up! I'm glad we've "met". You have lots of great genres you're working with. And I love me some fantasy! :) Good luck with all your writing!

  21. I've finally made it! I've already followed you, but hadn't seen your post yet. Congrats on your upcoming publication! Writer’s Mark

  22. Followed your links except LinkedIn which keeps telling me I need to upgrade to contact you.

  23. So, GR says we're friends already, but I sent a friend request on FB. I'm not real active on Google so didn't go there. I'm on LinkedIn and operate more as a responder to things there so connect if you're interested. Great to meet you through this wonderful Follow Fest (trying to catch up today).

  24. Hi Misha! Dropping by from Follow Fest. Nice to meet you. The coming of your new release sounds exciting! Congratulations!

  25. I'm not really a big historical fan, but am down with all those other genres you mentioned :D


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