Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Paying Forward Awards: Nominations are Open

Hey all, it's that time again. I have eight prizes available for some wonderful people. However, I'm realizing that giving them away in single categories at a time makes for even counting, I'm going to keep going that.

So. This month's category is:

Inspiring People

Who inspires you? Who makes you want to do better? Who makes you think that you can achieve those goals you have?

Let me know by e-mail. I won't accept nominations in the comments, since I like that they're anonymous.

Please make "Nomination" the subject and include their blog address and/or their contact details. My address is mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

If we have enough nominees, you the readers get to vote for the winners next Monday. If not, I'll announce who wins.

Thanks again, to everyone who supports my efforts to make someone's day!


Thanks for commenting! I love to read what you think.

Feel free to ignore the check-box saying "Prove you're not a robot." My word verification is off, but I moderate comments to posts older than two weeks.