
Friday, November 26, 2010

The post where I apologize for the lack of an inner filter...

Hey all!


I don't even want to read what I had written yesterday.

Very very sorry for that.

I've been suppressing my feelings for some now (almost two weeks), so I guess it kind of exploded the first time I decided to write about any strong feelings I've been having, despite the fact that those feelings had nothing to do with what I was suppressing. Maybe it's because I SUCK at emotional suppression.  

Anyway. I just realized that I was very rude yesterday, so, may I wish my US readers a belated Happy Thanksgiving?

Hope you all had a great time with your families.

How are you doing?




  1. Happy Holiday and National Shopping Day.
    Good luck with it all.
    Vent when you need to, it is therapeutic. :)

  2. Greetings Misha,
    I think that the verbalisation of our feelings is a powerful and therapeutic positive resource. Personally, it's the reason I attempt some form of coherent articulation. Then again, it usually turns out to be gibberish and I cringe at rereading my own stuff.
    Yes, let's hope that our US friends had a peaceful and pleasant American Thanksgiving.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend.
    In kindness, Gary:-)

  3. Vent and rant whenever you need to! It can be a relief to just say what you're thinking.

  4. Happy thanksgiving too and do check out http://www.susanjeffers.com/home/index.cfm and get her free affirmations download.
    I guarantee it will help:O)

  5. Thanks so much for dropping by and showing your support. It means so much to me. :-)

  6. It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much.


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