Monday, October 17, 2016

My Short Story is Out With CPs

I'm happy to say I managed to finish writing my IWSG short story in time to send it to the awesome people who'd volunteered to give it a read-over.

Most of them already sent back feedback. (I mean seriously. How's that for speed?)

So now, I'm planning to sit down and do the critiques I owe them.

I have to say, though, I love my story. The character has been sticking in my head ever since I edited The Heir's Choice, so I was happy to get a chance to write something for her. Fingers crossed that the judges also enjoy the story.

How are you doing? Sending in a short story for the IWSG competition too? 


  1. Awesome! Glad you will be submitting one.

  2. That's great that you have feedback so soon from your critique partners! All the best with the contest :-)

  3. Congrats on finishing your story! That's great how you still love it as much as you do. It can be way too easy to hate what we create by the end. (It is for me, at the very least, haha.) Best of luck with that IWSG contest!

  4. It was my pleasure to read it. Loved the story.

  5. I'm almost done. I hope I love it when I'm done!!

  6. Oh, a character from The Heir's Choice? Nice! We can't wait to read your story. Good luck! :)

  7. Wow - your CPs are very quick! Good luck with the revision and with subbing the story to IWSG!

  8. Great to hear you got quick feedback. Good luck with the competition!

  9. I got sidetracked by work but I'm on it! IWSG sub, I'm on my way.

  10. That is really fast! Congratulations writing that story and getting it out there for comment.

  11. I'm looking forward to reading your story, Misha. I won't know it's yours, though. Good luck.

  12. Awesome that you're going to submit for the IWSG contest, and even better that you got it checked out by your CPs first. :)

  13. Congrats. Glad you enjoyed spending time with your character and big cheers for your reading partners! Good luck with it, Misha.

  14. Yippee! I'm so glad you're doing the contest, despite all the crazy in your life. I can't wait to read it--whether as a contest winner or as a future publication.

  15. That's fantastic! Good luck with the story. I didn't manage to find the time to write a story for the contest. Next year!


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