
Tuesday, December 8, 2015


As I mentioned on Wednesday, I'm currently trying to stave-off a burn-out by resting a bit more than I'm usually writing.

It does, however, also prove to me how addicted I am to this whole writing thing. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I can hardly string two words together without it feeling like I'm pulling teeth. (Blog posts and the like are luckily not too bad.)

But can I stay away from writing? No. But that's okay. I'm following some of the advice that a lot of you (thanks for those comments, by the way!) gave me, and I'm taking it as I feel. If I feel the urge to write, I write. If not, I'll just crack open a book and read. (Which is fun too, and is in fact making me feel much better already.)

In the meantime, I'm already feeling a lot better.

How are you all doing?


  1. Recharging! You're doing what's needed for what's best in the long run. Sort of like pacing yourself for a long distance run.

    Me? I am writing articles and working on edits for my upcoming release (my publisher just sent the edited file yesterday). So I'm hopping with everything else going on in life. My wife says if I'm not busy, I get grumpy. :)

  2. Misha... I think it's good to recarge and write when you feel like it... pressuring yourself is never any good ♡ ... enjoy the rest of your week xox

  3. Reading does help with writing, so that's a good idea.

  4. Reading let's the brain have fun and relax too.

  5. I took some writing advice last week on writing 300 words a day and used it on a WIP I was very stuck on. It has worked and I am happily watching it start to blossom. Glad that you are recharging yourself. Just take it slow as you recover. Hugs.

  6. Recharging is necessary and good. like Sheena-kay said, don't push it. Let it evolve on its own.

  7. I find reading is the best cure for burn out. Plus, reading a good book always makes me want to write :). Hope you recover soon, but don't force yourself to write if you don't want to - you've been working so hard lately that you deserve a rest!

  8. Time off always renews. Since I am a sprinter, not a long distance writer, my work is in bits.

    Work in bits--that sounds good.

  9. I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel a little bit better. It's too bad we can't re-charge ourselves as easily as we can charge up one of our electronic devices. But re-charge you must! With all the stress some of us put on ourselves while preparing for the holidays, this time of year can really wipe us out if we aren't careful. So be careful!

  10. I'm glad you're feeling better. And that's a good plan. Don't force yourself to write, but you shouldn't force yourself away from it either.

  11. Pace yourself. This coming year will definitely be about pacing myself. 1000 words a day. That's all I can handle at this point with all I do. Plus, I need to sleep and keep the chores and my garden up.

  12. Hi Misha,

    Yes, keep recharging and try to maintain a restful balance. Your passion for writing is admirable and if you feel better, than that's an encouraging result.


  13. My breaks from writing are short. I'm usually thinking of my projects while I'm recharging. I do write with more gusto after a break.

  14. Reading, writing, rest...we all need these. And I'm like you...if I feel like writing I do.

  15. That's the only way to go. I'm with you on trying to do what I can through the burn out. It gets better. =)

  16. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm writing like a mad woman trying to get my writing time in before Christmas break! :)

  17. One thing I did was vow to work on something "writing-related" every day. It really helped me see that I was still making progress in my addiction, I mean writing career, yet I was able to cut myself some slack. Sending out queries counts, reading counts, editing, critiquing, rereading, researching.... all of it counts as writing, even blogging. Then I could say, today for writing I felt like chatting with other writers, and so I did, and so it helped. :) Doing what you feel and what motivates and inspires you is probably the best advice! I totally agree with you! Not only will your work have passion when you do get to it, you will feel good about all the other things you did do to get that passion and they still count as writing.

  18. It's awesome how writing sustains us, isn't it?
    Hope you have a warm-loving, recharging holiday season, Mischa.

  19. That's awesome, Misha. I'm glad you're taking it easy. Burn out is no fun at all.

    I'm doing well - wrapping up my last journalism projects of the year so I can go home for Christmas without anything weighing me down.

    I'm very much looking forward to that week off!

  20. It's good to hear you're feeling better and taking it a bit easier atm. Plus, reading is sort of writers' work too. Wishing you a good week and weekend! :)

  21. Glad you're feeling better! Me, I'm sick, and I just got all my family sick. Whoops. :)

  22. We all need to recharge and you've been at full steam for awhile. A rest is good. Reading and the like will stimulate new ideas. :)

  23. You have to chill out and take it easy on the brainbox. If you don't I'll send cranky Dr Pullaski after you, lol.

  24. Good to hear! Reading always helps!! :)

  25. Glad you're feeling better:) Pace yourself. Hugs,

  26. It's awesome that you're already feeling better. I hope you enjoy your reading and the much needed rest.

  27. I know all about the need for recharging! Here's to do just that.

  28. I know all about the need for recharging! I'm also there with a need for recharging.

  29. A break is great, unless not writing makes you feel worse. In that case, just take a break from the break.

  30. Sounds like a break is exactly what you need. take it easy and hopefully you're energy will return:)

  31. Yeah! Glad you are feeling better and doing what works for you. :)

  32. Take it easy. Looking forward to your return.

  33. Enjoy that sweet, sweet time off, especially if it means you can catch up on reading. I definitely count reading as research toward writing, so it's still furthering your talents.

  34. We all need to recharge. Enjoy your recharging time!

  35. There's nothing wrong with a recharge; I think a lot of us need that every now and then.

  36. Misha, There isn't anything wrong with taking a rest. You are in charge of your writing time. Sometimes, reading time is as important as writing time. I'm going to have surgery on my right shoulder in a couple days. My writing will be limited to one hand as the other arm has to be immobilized for, right now, we don't know how long. So I will have a stack of books handy. I'm not sure how well I'm going to be on social media or email. UGH! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  37. I'm taking my time revising a novel. I have a short story that I'll probably take a look at after Christmas, after I get some feedback.

  38. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. And, yep, you're definitely a writer when you can't stay away from writing. I'm feeling slightly stressed, but will be having a mellow Christmas at home, so that should help once I get some stuff done.

  39. Yay! I'm glad you're feeling better!!!

    Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season!

  40. I feel your pain Misha. I'm trying to make a come back right now after having been burned out.

  41. I understand that sense of conflict. I've been dealing with a similar dilemma. But over all life is pretty darn good and I'm not going to complain.

    Get that recharge!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  42. I got burnout from writing SO MUCH over the past two years for other people. Ghostwriting means I earn a living, but boy, it can be draining when you're busy!

    Good for you, allowing your muse to tell you when to right. After this last commision, I plan on taking a break. If I write at all (and like you, I obvs will have to) it won't be for someone else. :)

    Sorry that I've been absent lately. I've been exhausted and ill. But I needed to stop by to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas! :)


  43. Reading is a GREAT way to recharge. Or just do normal stuff you didn't have time to do while writing. ;o) Good luck getting refreshed, and getting rid of that burned-out feel! Here's to a fresh 2016!!

  44. Yup. I've had a rough time, health wise, the last few weeks. But I'm sitting upright AT THE DESK today. Just trying to get caught up.

    Hope you'll get your mojo back soon!


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