
Friday, May 1, 2015

HUGE Announcement and I Need Some Help

Okay. Deep breaths. Those of you who stopped by on Wednesday have probably seen this already:


It was supposed to be just one quick taster to tide you over.

But. You know how I kept saying things haven't been falling together right? How I would just keep plodding along until things did fall in to place?

Well. They have.

Just not in the way I'd expected. Which is why it took one unexpected royalty payment from my former publishing house - more than a year after I got my book rights back (Although, that wasn't their fault. The Post Office of South Africa was on strike for most of 2014. I kid you not.) to make me realize that it had.

To illustrate:

I needed to find a way to learn how to format my books and got given an AMAZING step by step guide. (More on this later.)

In my time off, I've basically been editing. So basically, I have one round of edits left to make sure the continuity is kept constant, followed by proofreads, which will probably happen in pen.

ISBNs I've had since last year.

So all I needed were the covers.

Well. The one you saw. Now, I present to you:

Which means that, except for nailing down the back of the book copy, I basically need to decide on my release date. 

Ahem. *Cough* July 31 *Cough*

Seriously, then, I really need exactly one thing: Your help.

Unlike last time around, I'm giving myself three months to set up my blog tour, marketing etc. And I'm thinking of doing the set-up differently.

To make things easier for me AND you... Please see the pages above. Blog Tour, Cover Reveal and Review. Inside will be a linky list and an explanation of what the entry entails. Don't worry. No selling or buying of souls just yet.

You're welcome to enter more than one activity, if you'd like.

So what do you say? Anyone want to help?


  1. I've got my simmer on. The excitement is growing. Happy for your new title :)

  2. Sent the info via your link submit. :)

  3. Yes, I would love to help, and those are lovely covers!!!

  4. Congratulations, Misha! I would love to help.

  5. I'm in. Love the covers, and the theme they share.

  6. Congratulations, Misha, on picking a release date! Good luck with everything!

  7. Of course I want to help! I'm on my way to sign up now :)

  8. Huge congrats... I'm all signed up on all three to help out... I might have made a mistake on the review on.. I need mobi please:)

  9. Very exciting! I signed up for a review and the tour. Will tweet for you now.

  10. Well done! Your covers look lovely. :-)

  11. I like the covers - very 'clean' looking and distinctive.

  12. Your covers are awesome! Count me in to help out in any way. :)

  13. Great news - an unexpected royalty and some amazing covers. Well done.

  14. Up close and personal, Nice. I'm trying to imagine what the rest of that sword looks like, held high swinging through the air.

  15. Thanks so much for stopping by and a special thanks to everyone who's helping out. X

  16. Thanks so much for stopping by and a special thanks to everyone who's helping out. X

  17. Congratulations! I'll do your blog tour.

  18. Fantastic covers. Also, this is an awesome idea. Let me consult with my other blog half and see if we can help out in any way.

  19. I'd be happy to help. Just email me with what you need :)

  20. Sweet! And congrats.
    Smashwords gives a free guide on how to format for their site.
    SERIOUSLY, if you are going to use them, FOLLOW THE GUIDE STEP BY STEP. And do the Nuclear method the first time around. (Save 6 hours of your life.)
    I tried Scrivener formatting... nope, not with Smashwords. It was a fail.

    That sucks your postal service could go on strike.

  21. Congrats! Well done on begin so organised - I'm definitely going to try and follow your example for my next book. I've signed up for the blog tour - can't wait!


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