
Monday, February 16, 2015

Another prayer request.

I'm still alive, but I'm reaching the end of my tether.

Yes, I know that I never had a long one to begin with, but I've been doing as best I could to burn through it slowly. To be honest, I think I did quite well.

But now...

Let's just say that when living in two caravans with one's family isn't too bad when you know it's only for two weeks to a month.

It's a big problem when it's running into two months.

It's a huge problem when the electricity we're supposed to live on isn't even strong enough to keep a printer alive (never mind the equipment needed for an internet connection) and when it's so dodgy that it's blown (to date) two freezers, four chargers, a dishwasher and (possibly) my tablet.

It's a massive problem when it's starting to become winter and we don't even have a geezer.

But what makes the problem epic is that our landlord, but I'm not going to go into that for legal reasons.

In short, though, I need some serious prayers for me and my family, because unless things turn around as soon as tomorrow, 2015 will make 2014 look like a cake walk and I seriously seriously don't want that.


  1. I'm sorry, Misha! Prayers that your dawn is coming tomorrow.

  2. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Misha.

  3. Caravans are good for a holiday, but not exactly great to live in. Sending some good wishes your way that things get sorted out.

  4. Yikes. Sweetie, you have my prayers. Good luck.

  5. So sorry, Misha. My thoughts are with you on this.

  6. Sorry Misha. You and your family are in my prayers.

  7. So sorry Misha. I hope all works out for you.

  8. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck!

  9. Hugs. I'm sure it will get better.

  10. Prayers for the needs of you and your family, and an improvement in your situation.

  11. My thoughts are with you. Hoping things get better soon.

  12. I didn't realize that you're only 24 years old. Life will get better for you.. Trust me on that.

  13. Oh man! So sorry, my friend. Definitely sending all my prayers your way. Hopefully things start to improve for you guys fast!

  14. Lots of prayer coming your way. Hang in there!

  15. Ack! So sorry to hear things are looking so grim, Misha. It's awful when one thing just seems to pile on top of another and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Hoping and praying that things turn around soon.

  16. I can understand that a temporary situation is much easier to cope with than one which is starting to look unending. Really hope things get sorted out without too much further delay.

  17. You and your family are in my prayers.

  18. I hope everything starts to get better for you soon, Misha.

  19. Sending prayers, Misha. I hope this rough patch is coming to a close, but if not, those difficult times we pass through are meant to make us stronger. You never see how much you've grown until the conflict is resolved and you look back. Stay strong!

  20. Sending prayers.....Like Crystal said, stay strong!

  21. I hope things start looking up for you. Many prayers your way.

  22. Hi there!

    I just stopped by to check out your blog. I've signed up for yet another year of the A to Z Challenge and look forward to reading many, many posts next month...;~)

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin
    author of THE STORY CATCHER (Anaiah Press 2015)
    coauthor CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL: ANGELS AMONG US (Simon & Schuster 2013)

  23. I'm sorry to drop by and find you're going through such struggles. My prayers will start heading your way shortly, and my thoughts are already there.


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