Saturday, November 29, 2014

Update Day

Hey all. I was going to do the update yesterday (as we're supposed to), but I only got home at around midnight, so the update would have been today whether I liked it or not.

For those of you who don't know, this post is a part of a monthly bloghop (hosted by me and Beth Fred) where writers get to post their weird, huge, or hugely important writing goals and talk about them. It's really a nice way to see if you're making any progress toward that goal. If you'd like more info on how to join, click here.

I'd hoped to get to about 30k this month (even though I was taking part in NaNoWriMo), because that would have been equivalent to 1000 words every day.

But, I haven't made 20k yet. I'm almost at 19k.

It's not all depressing, though. I finally finished the rough draft to the western that I had to redraft. And I think the story will be awesome. Then I also found the beginnings of a space opera that I will be adding to my five year plan list for next year.

Also, after many many times of promising that my schedule has opened up, I do believe it truly has.

Which means I'm going to do some catch-up.

If you look at the green bits in the December Column, those are all the rough drafts I have in progress. Those are the ones I technically want to finish by the end of this year. I suspect, though, that this won't be possible. Ideally, I'd like to finish two of these projects. 

My projects are listed here according to priority. My mystery project is the highest priority draft I have unfinished at the moment. After that, it's SS1, which I'll give a catchier working title, I promise!

I'll be pretty happy if I can finish those in December. I'd be ecstatic if I could do so while finishing a rewrite to either VD or ES1 (which is the above-mentioned western). But I'll see. In theory, I'll also be editing the three yellow projects, but as I mentioned, I won't be able to publish this year. So now it's more me sitting around waiting for various people to send me things. Which is good. Gives me time to clear my to-draft list a bit. 

As always, I'll let you know how I'm doing. 

How are you? Did NaNo? Did you win? 


  1. As always, Misha, progress is progress. Me? I don't do NaNo, and I've made less progress on my WIP than I'd hoped recently. But, progress is progress, right? ")

    1. Yep, progress, no matter how small, is better than no progress at all. :-)

  2. You always seem to be so organised and busy, I just don't know how you do it! 19k words is fantastic (and better than I did!) Best of luck for December.

    1. I think of it as eating an elephant. Can only be done one bite at a time.

  3. Sounds to me like you're making pretty good progress.

    I didn't NaNo, but I've been working on a novel draft in between short stories and am reasonly happy with the current word count.

    1. That's good to read. Best of luck with your drafting!

  4. Wow! You are so busy! How are you not stressed right now? I'm working on the rewrites of the Amaranthine and I didn't take part in Nano. Its too daunting. Wishing the you the best with your rewrites.

  5. I'm amazed at your ability to work on more than one project at a time. I think I'm going to try the same thing, because sometimes I just can't stare at one story for any longer without wanting to bang my head on the desk.

    1. That's actually exactly why I have so many projects going. If one projects stops going, I can waste a ton of time doing nothing to make it work again. Unless I have other projects waiting to be done.

  6. Like Katie, I'm always amazed at how much you have going on. Keep up the great work and have a fantastic week! :)

  7. 19k is VERY impressive. And you are so well-organized that I am confident you will achieve your goals. I wish I could have done NaNo, but I sent out about three dozen teaching job applications instead. I'll be happy when I can finally stop writing cover letters.

  8. Hey, all words are good. Some progress is better than none. And it looks like you made a dent in research, which is vital! So I say way to go.


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