
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This self publishing thing isn't as simple as one would think...

I realized this weekend that I’ve now passed the point where I’ll be able to publish this year. There’s simply no way for me to edit, format, get the cover and register for copyright before the end of the year. Or maybe it’s possible and I don’t know it yet. But for now, I don’t think I can be practical and say that I’m still going to get everything together.

Sure, I can still rush and get it done. But where’s the point in that? I know that in order to stand even a tiny chance of success at my big goal, I have to deliver high quality goods. Given that this will be my first attempt at self-publishing, I simply don’t think I’m capable of pulling everything together in less than six weeks.

Which means that once again, I’m having to postpone. But you know what? I’m okay with that. The way I see it, I’ve tried my best to get everything done with the time and resources I have. Beyond that, though, things happen as and when they’re supposed to happen.

No amount of planning, worrying, working or stressing will change this.

I’m not giving up, though. I’m still editing. I’m still writing and I’m definitely still putting together the grand plan of how I’ll be writing and publishing somewhere between 12 and 25 books in the next five years.

I still think it’s doable. And missing this first year in order to get everything in place isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because really I’m close. I’ve basically got to wait on editor’s feedback on Birds vs Bastards. Once I apply the necessary edits to that, there’s only formatting left. The Vanished Knight is basically ready for formatting, but I’m waiting on the cover. (Which I could have had, but I got thwarted by the shoe biz yet again. So I have to wait for my cover designers to return from vacation.) The Heir’s Choice is the furthest from finished, but it’s still not impossibly far from done. I’ve got a few more CPs needing to finish the last few chapters. Then it’s the editor’s final pass and then formatting. Which, given that I can do edits to a book of THC’s length in a week or less, really isn’t an impossibly long time. And I can start registering all three for copyright as soon as those last edits are done.

No point to panic or anything though. However, this has told me the value of planning ahead a little more than I have this year. Which I will definitely do for 2015.

How’re your writing/editing/publishing endeavors going?


  1. I had to postpone my self-publishing date too, because I can't afford an editor yet. When I do pay an editor, I have to save for a cover and formatting. But you have so much figured out already I'm envious. I feel like an idiot trying to figure things out. It might not look like it, but you're making great progress. Next year will be a phenomenal year for you and you can definitely publish 12 - 25 books in five years.

    Cheering for you!

  2. No need to rush if you want it done well. Besides, you need time to plan marketing and get review copies out and all that. Once you're off and running with the first book, it will all fall into place.

  3. Your practical approach means you know what you need to do, and when and how...so it means that you're on track...

    1. That's true, at least. It's really just a matter of time for me too sit down and get everything pulled together.

  4. I'm excited for you. You're right, there's no point in rushing. You've got a marathon on your hands and you don't want to burn out! I hoped to publish part 1 of my trilogy this year, but I'm still laying the groundwork for the next parts and I don't want to have big gaps. Everything will happen at the right time.

    1. Exactly. This is a marathon, and for me to start sprinting for any reason is a really bad idea.

  5. You have a good plan. Just follow it. All the best!

  6. I'm in a similar boat. I so wanted to get book 2 out in November, but that's not going to happen. I doubt I'll get it published before the end of the year.

    I see authors who pop out books like sextuplets, and I'm envious. But they either A) don't have kids at home and a 'real' job, or B) are turning out substandard products.

    I definitely don't want to ruin my rep by getting in a hurry.

    1. It's the thing for me too. I just don't want to rush and actually do damage to my reputation in the long run.

  7. I've put out three books this year, and I'm still trying to figure out how to market myself better. I think I might have to pony up and pay for a book blog tour to finally start making a difference. I'm hoping to release three books next year as well, and may have to spend more time thinking about building better buzz well in advance.

    1. Oh yeah. That's the other thing. I REALLY haven't had time for marketing this year. At least not when I actually had energy for it. :-/

  8. Always better to deliver high quality than high quantity. Readers will thank you in the long run.

  9. My take on it is that you publish a book the way you'd plan a wedding. There's an extensive list of things that must be done over several months (no less than six if you ask me), and they get scheduled out on a calendar so no one dies of stress, then slowly each item gets checked off the list until the big day.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  10. Things really do happen when they're supposed to. It will all work out, your plan is still in motion ;)

    S.K. Anthony: Let's Do It the Old Fashioned Way

  11. It's always best to take your time, and you've managed to get a lot done despite the setbacks. Even if the scheduling didn't work as planned, you're well on the way to having your books ready to publish next year! :)

    1. That's actually the exact point of setting such huge goals every year. Even if I fall short, I still will have gotten a lot more done than if I had drifted along aimlessly.

  12. Wow, that's a huge, and great long term plan. A couple of months isn't going to put that much of a curve in your plan. Congrats to you, and all who committed, for having such great ambitions.

    I have over the years taken to steps forward, and then two steps back. Feel like I'm at the beginning of the game once again, struggling to get the writing done. But I'll get there. 25 books in 5 years - not sure if I'll ever be able to go there. :)

    1. Those steps forward and back are part of the journey, I think. Best of luck with yours. :-)

  13. You're still rocking just by being so close to publishing two books. I feel similar because I had really hoped to publish P&P this year and the sequel soon after (which I just finished for Nanowrimo and is going to need edits). So yeah, these things take time. With the year you've had, it's just great that you are sticking to your goals at all.


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