Monday, February 24, 2014

I'm just having one of those days today, where words just don't want to come. Not even when I'm writing. 

So... I'll be back tomorrow. 


  1. Inspiration comes when least expected.

  2. Some days, you just need to rest and fill the creative reservoir.

  3. I don't love those days. I agree with what Connie has to say.

  4. You probably need a break, Misha. Sometimes all you need is a walk or to do some physically demanding housework. That has helped me in the past. Presently, I'm finding it difficult to just get down to it.

  5. I'm late... that was yesterday... this is a new day... LOL
    Hope things are better today, Misha!

  6. Edit something, so some research for a new project, etc. It keeps the writing progress moving forward, but on a different front.

  7. They can be elusive little critters at times. See you tomorrow :)

  8. It's so frustrating, isn't it? Hope it's a very temporary problem.

  9. Hey Misha,

    Thus, never try to force the words. They will arrive at your own pace, without undue pressure. I could always send Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar over!

    Gary :)

  10. Just yell at the muse and go stare at the sky :)


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