Sunday, March 31, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013

Welcome to another A to Z Challenge!

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of the new visitors to my blog as well as visiting some familiar faces.

This year it a year of beginnings for me, so for My First Book, the theme is:

26 Things You Should Know Before Writing a Novel

Basically, this will be a series of serious and lighthearted posts on what it's like to write a novel, from a writer's point of view. I'd love to hear from other writers too, be they short storiests or novelists,  plotters or pantsers. And hey, I'm really looking forward to hearing what you the non-writing, but reading, public think of us crazy creators of your entertainment. 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll enjoy my posts.

P.S. To the regulars: The Paying Forward Awards and Word Master Challenge will continue in May. Would have continued with both, but since I'm busy with revisions as well... 


  1. That's a helpful theme!
    And no problem to wait until May. Things will be a little crazy around here until then.

  2. Hey Misha,

    I'm liking your approach and theme to the alphabet challenge. I shall do my best to come and check out your posts.

    Even Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar will come and visit. She's an acclaimed 'pawblisher'! :)

  3. That theme has my interest. Nice choice.

  4. YES! Great theme. I'll certainly be stopping in during the challenge. (:

  5. Good luck with A-Z I'll try and catch some of the posts, sounds like an interesting theme.

  6. Great theme. So what is Q? Quit before it's too late, before your life is consumed by your writing? lol

    Looking forward to your posts.

  7. Sounds great.
    Have fun this year!

  8. Sounds intriguing. I just scheduled my post for 3:00 am my time - can't wait to wake up tomorrow and let the challenge begin!

  9. Hello Misha.
    Just an early morning visit to see what you're up to.
    I haven't quite come up with a theme that I can say with honesty I'll be able to apply to my challenge entry. One day at a time while I'm still here in Johannesburg working like a Trojan.
    I'll be following your advice very closely this month.
    Chat later, blessings to you, Geoff.

  10. Sounds like a whole lot of advice for writers of all ages and categories. Thank you for all your help during the challenge.

  11. So much to know and learn. How wonderful to be able to find 26 of them in the one place. Great theme and thanks in advance. :)

  12. Sounds like a great theme! I can't wait to see what you write.

  13. I definitely need to keep a close eye on your posts... sounds very informative!

  14. Can't wait until your first book is out :D


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