Monday, May 7, 2012

A to Z Challenge Reflections

If you want to see the overview, I wrote it on my other blog, since doing two identical ones just felt a little... silly.

Yep. I successfully completed the A to Z Challenge for BOTH my blogs. So I'm pretty chuffed with myself.

Here are some stats for April:

Posts written: 54
Blogs visited: about 700. I know I said I'd hit 1000, but I had to start working regular hours.
New Bloggy Friends: about 200 total for both blogs.
Number of times late: 2. Both on Saturdays.

Thanks so much for everyone who visited either/both my blogs and for supporting my efforts. And thanks for my old visitors who were patient with me. I will be dropping by soon!

Did you do the Challenge? How did you do?


  1. I had great fun with the challenge, though it got really rough toward the end. I didn't ever fall behind, but I came close!

    Congrats on surviving it! Yours is one of the many interesting blogs that I wouldn't have come across if not for the challenge. Here's to the next one!


  2. Wow, I didn't keep stats, but I did survive!

  3. Two hundred new friends is awesome! Glad you had a good time. Still can't believe you did this for two blogs.

  4. Thank you for sharing - I had a blast reading your posts! :)

  5. Congrats on completing the Challenge on both blogs. I only successfully did it on one of mine. It became too overwhelming.

  6. That is AMAZING! Hard work and a lot to be proud of!

  7. I made it - glad to be following you as a result of A-Z - it was fun but I'm glad it's behind me!

  8. Great stats! This was my first challenge, and I really enjoyed it.

  9. Two blogs! That's amazing and I would say 700 visits is pretty good.

  10. I didn't know you had another blog - off to investigate!

  11. I did A-Z on two blogs too. I should've thought of the overview instead of copying and pasting. Hehe!

  12. 700! Wow. That's a lot of blog visiting.

  13. Wow, they are pretty amazing stats... well done on completing it.

  14. 54 posts! Wow, that's pretty awesome Misha. :)

    I don't think I got to as many as even 300 blogs... still catching up. :)

  15. Those are nice stats! The A to Z challenge was definitely a good way to visit other pages and enrich our views. Congratulations on your achievement.

  16. At the rate I am going, catching up is going to be just as much of a challenge. Congrats on making it across the finish line :)

  17. Wow, you did a lot more visiting than me. I fell behind too, but pulled it all together at the end. Congrats on the finishing line.

  18. Misha you did very well. I think I visited around the seven hundred too, it was great fun but exhausting! I will sign up again next year though!

  19. Double congratulation on finishing the challenge. I didn't visit all blogs during the challenge but, cross my heart, I'm visiting every single one with reflection post! I am so glad my journey brought me here.

    Evalina, This and that...

  20. I am so impressed! I had a hard time keeping up with one blog! I made it on time everyday but it sure wasn't always easy. You did an awesome job!! ::Bowing to you:: :)

  21. Nice post and the other blog is also very nice.


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