
Monday, March 19, 2012

Been tagged for the Lucky 7 Meme

Rachna and Michael Pierce both tagged me for The Lucky Seven Meme. So because I'm lazy, I'm going to post about that rather than the usual "Others have said...".

The rules are as follows:

1) Go to page 77 of your Current MS.
2) Go to line seven.
3) Copy the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they're written. No cheating!
4) Tag 7 authors.

Because of time constraints, I won't be passing on the tags. So if you want to have some fun, spread some MS love or just don't know what to post about, use this. ;-) Just let me know.

So... here's the segment from my current MS and all around beast, Doorways...

Note: The lines are a bit awkward, so please take my word for it.

Really? This wasn’t funny.

It made her sick.

“That’s my mom.” Her voice wobbled as she fought for control. Her tears flooded down her cheeks as she lost grip of herself. Claire sat down next to her and held her as sobs racked Callan’s body.

After she cried out, Claire fetched her some tissues. “You didn’t know?”

“No. I know almost nothing about her,” she forced out between hiccups.

So that's me for today. Do you get to an interesting bit if you follow the meme rules?


  1. More please :)Yep, I was lucky and got to a good part as well.

  2. Great piece Misha - I so want to read more! Thank you for sharing! :)

  3. That's dropping us in the middle of a scene!

  4. This is a great meme for drawing in readers, isn't it? You always seem to get dropped right in the middle of an interesting scene.

    Makes me wonder what I'd end up having to post. Probably the most boring scene in the entire manuscript. =)

  5. That part was very thought provoking. Why's Callen crying? Can Claire do anything to fix it? What's up with that mother? It can just be anything. Good post. Hope you make your MS daeadline.

  6. Intriguing section! Thanks for giving us a peek.

  7. This piece does make me want to read on. Great!

  8. Claire is one of my favorite characters in your book. She was just so awesome.

  9. I'm very curious to know what it is about Callan's mom that made her upset... A good 7 lines :-)

  10. Well that's sad. :o(

  11. Definitely intriguing. I think most responses to this meme seem to be at or end at a pretty interesting moment.

  12. That's a great scene, Misha. I remember it well. :)

  13. Hahaha fun! I love the excerpt. And I would totally try this, but I haven't yet written 77 pages on my current project....maybe in a few days!

  14. Oh, very sad and mysterious. Good excerpt!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  15. You did catch an interesting part! I've never tried this, but it does look fun.

  16. Hmm...interesting Misha. Like Alex, I too feel you dropped us in the middle of a scene and plucked us out immediately.

  17. I know I'm really really late but I just had to say how much I like the sound of this :-)


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