
Friday, July 17, 2015

Next Stop: Next Door

Sort of. Actually, I'm visiting Murees Dupe, who lives so close to me that we met each other for coffee last weekend. (Which is a nice change from, you know, living on the other side of the world.)

My topic for today is Strong Female Characters, so head on over to tell me what you think. Even better, Murees has another excerpt posted. :-)


  1. So cool that you get to meet a writer buddy!!
    I'm off to check it out------------------

  2. That's great that you got to meet Murees.

    Hope the tour is going well!

  3. Looks like your tour is going really well. :)

  4. You wrote a great post. Books need stronger female characters. Coffee was really fun. You are amazing. Thank you for letting me help-out today.

  5. That's so cool you got to meet a blogger buddy in person. I actually live fairly close to some of my blogger buddies, but we've never met.

  6. It's cool that you've got a blogging friend so close. Most of the blogs I read are written by people who live in different countries. :-)

  7. We still haven't had coffee with any of our blog friends. Or beer. Or any kind of liquid in a public setting. So I'm envious. That must have been so much fun.

    Off to check out the post, and the excerpt!

  8. Aha, strong female characters. That reminds me of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    Gary :)


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