Thursday, May 8, 2014

A late IWSG Post

Hey all! Isn't is amazing how one has less time on a public holiday than on a normal day? No idea how it works, but somehow I got home at 10 pm, too exhausted to think, so I crashed and woke up twelve minutes ago remembering that it was IWSG.

So what is IWSG? Basically it's a bloghop where writers can share their insecurities or encouragements for other writers. So if you need something like that, click here.

Maybe that's why I forgot to post. I'm just not that insecure at the moment. Right now, I see the publishing path I'm set to follow, forged out in front of me. It makes me happy, and it means I don't really have issues.

Now all I have to do is hope it stays that way at least for a month. :-D

How are you doing?


  1. I think you are missing the link for "click here"..great post!

  2. Man, after all you went through with your manuscript and stuff, I'd think you'd have all kinds of insecurities. I would! So I guess it's good that you've gotten past that.

  3. I love reading IWSG posts where the blogger is secure - that's what we're all trying to achieve! After the last few months, it's good to hear you're feeling positive about the future :-)

  4. Hey, you're finally to a good spot after all that mess - enjoy!

  5. Hahahaha keeping a false "click here" would have been good for laughs ;) having a path feels good, for me I feel like I've stopped staring at the ground and have bothered to look up at what the future could be :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good for you. This past month left me insecure due to computer and iPhone issues. Last night, was the first night I actually stayed connected long enough to leave a comment on anyone's blog.

    I feel so much better now that my computer and phone issues have been resolved.

    Hugs and chocolate!

  8. Glad to hear all is well, Misha...

    You've been through SO much this past year.

  9. It is funny how tasks seem to fill what we hope might be a vacuum where there might be a bit of free time.

  10. Nothing better than an IWSG with no I's to speak of.

  11. Look at how far you have come in such a short period of time!!! It was insane, crazy, pull out your hair stuff and now... peace.

  12. Your confidence and happiness is fantastic! Keep going!

  13. I love it when I feel good about the path I'm taking.

  14. Hi Misha,

    You see the publishing road ahead and the road is smooth. That's encouraging. Thank you for participating in "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary."

    Gary :)

  15. Glad you're on the right path!! I'm still working on mine. I have faith it'll workout for both of us.

  16. Congratulations on not being insecure at this point. Keep up the confidence.

  17. I love the confident IWSG posts! They're so great to see. I'm so glad things are going well!!

  18. Glad things are more positive for you.

  19. I'm so happy you're past that tricky patch and onto a great new path!


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