
Monday, January 14, 2013

Am I ready yet?

That's the big question looming in my mind at the moment. How ready am I to return into the query trenches?

I'm both very eager and petrified of starting again. On the one hand, I know I now have a brilliant query. I also know that I have a one page synopsis that I like the look and sound of. I probably won't be able to refine it much further than it is now.

At the same time, I have come to a decision. Something has to happen to Doorways this year. Either an agent says yes, or a publisher says yes, or I publish it myself. Point being, I am NOT sitting on it for another year.

It's done.

So. By the time you read this post, I will have queried about 90 agents. Every single fantasy agent I know of. If none of them like the sound of my book, I'll be going to my small publisher's list.

And if someone still doesn't believe portal fantasies can't sell, I'll go it alone.

Some of you might wonder why I'm leaving it as the last option: no reason in particular. I'm just following a progression that seemed logical to me.

As for why I'm in a hurry? I'm hoping to get my answers by March or April. That way I have a few months for my book to be edited, formatted etc. and still be finished on time.

Another reason: I no longer doubt my query. I don't doubt my story. Not a single bit. So there will be no more revisions to my query and I'll only revise if someone asks me to. Other than that, there's no point for me to stretch out the process.

I know my book will go where it's supposed to.

Wish me luck!

Anyone think I'm nuts? (I partially do.) Have you done something like this?


  1. I've self-published some of my work (http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/theskyfullofdust) when I got fed up of rejection after rejection after rejection. Still hope to get an agent or publisher one day, but in the meantime, my work exists even if no one is buying or reading it :(

    1. Yeah I think that's my thing too. I'm just tired of waiting around. Regardless of how long publishing took, I'm not keeping my book back for 6 years without doing anything with it.

  2. I wish you all the luck in the world! Persistence is the key. I felt the same way last year, with Marked Beauty. Then, I stepped out on a limb and it all started happening. Just waiting to hear about my revisions from my agent then we start subbing to the large pubs. If nothing comes of that, I still have the smaller pub offers. So either way, MB will see the light of publication. Keep going. It will happen.

    1. I must say, your agent story is one of the reasons why I'm taking this approach.

      These days, no matter what agents say, it feels to me like they don't want to go out on a limb. So now I'm out to either find the one who is, or go it alone.

  3. Sounds like you're ready! Good luck with your queries. I'm querying, too. :)

  4. I wish you ALL the luck in the universe, and no...you're not crazy. I'm taking the same path. This year, my novel will find the path to publication.

  5. Wow. 90 agents at one time. Normally, I would do a handful at a time, but if you're sure about your query, it seems perfectly logical to hit them all at once. Good luck!

    1. Yeah I'm tired of waiting around, and I know I have a good query.

  6. You have to believe in your story. You're not nuts for your chosen path.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  7. Go for it!! If you query every agent and publisher who takes on fantasy, then you're bound to get a hit, as that would be hundreds queries sent out.

    1. That was my thought too. Now we'll just have to wait and see.

  8. Yay!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!

    1. I'll definitely let you know. So far I have a new record. Got a rejection 6 minutes after sending the query.

  9. It certainly sounds to me as though you're ready. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, but I'm sure you'll have good news soon.

  10. Good luck. I went through about 250 agents over two and a half years before deciding to self-publish. Not sure if I'd do it again, though the validation of nice reviews is nice to have. I might just sit on the ms., offering it up as an extra when querying my second.

    1. Makes sense. Thing is, publishing people seem to have issues with my sort of Epic Fantasy, so it's actually a long shot with querying at all.

      Still, I don't want to say I didn't try.

  11. Replies
    1. Hahaha yeah part of me still thinks I'm nuts. Oh well. I'll see.

  12. Replies
    1. Oh I'm definitely going to. Just trying to take a logical approach so I don't miss any opportunities.

  13. Yes, I think you're nuts, but also brave. Querying is so hard. It's so hard I have a story all about how querying makes me feel here

    Although, I have to warn you, query returns have been ultra sluggish, I'm still getting responses to queries I sent out last May!! (And YAY PORTAL FANATASY!!!!)

    1. Yeah I totally get how querying can make you feel like you're about to get struck by lighting.

      To me it feels like jumping off a big cliff and hoping I can fly before I fall.

  14. Ooo, girl, you sound fierce! Get it! Good luck this go around! Will be rooting for you!

  15. It sounds like you are ready, positivity and determination count for so much. Having a plan of where you are going in terms of seeking representation or a publisher seems sensible to me. I am in a similar position at the moment. I will self publish if things take me in that direction because I believe 100% in my work but for me that isn't the right course of action for today. Good luck and look forward to hearing how it all goes.

  16. Just think positive and put yourself out there. The only thing you can be certain about is not trying will lead to not succeeding.

    1. Exactly. That's why I went through this almost futile exercise yesterday.


  17. Nope, I definitely don't think you are nuts. You have written a story you are proud of, and you are doing what you can to get it published one way or the other. :)

  18. Here's my share of good luck wishes, Misha. Hang in there. You're doing just fine.

  19. Sending you lots of positive thoughts. I'm glad you're finally sending out queries. And you're right, your book will land where it's supposed to be. :)


  20. I believe that you are more than ready. Best of luck and I am sure something good will come of it.

    1. Thanks! I'm sure something will. I used to think that I would never be able to publish without them, but now that the (small?) possibility of a 100% rejection rate is real to me, I sort of think that I'll be okay any way.

  21. Good luck. Can't win unless you buy a ticket!

    Moody Writing

  22. Good luck! And in the meantime, keep writing! I love your determination and confidence!

    1. Oh I will. Already writing. Have two drafts I want to finish before digging into rewrites.

  23. There's nothing like believing in your writing. With an attitude like that something good will happen.

    1. I really hope so. At the same time, I know what is meant to happen will happen. :-D


  24. I remember this Woody Allen quote, "It was a choice between writing and death, and writing paid better."

    Go for it. Believe in yourself and your work and dive in head first. I'd say, screw the agent and publisher route and go E, but I know there can be a lot of validation going the old way.

    Best wishes and never, never, never, never, never, never, stop! (a bit of Winston Churchill for you there).

    1. Exactly. I don't want to say I didn't try anything, but at the same time, I also see anything as a possibility. :-)

  25. I'm in much the same position. I am still querying because I still hold a dream of seeing my book on bookstore shelves, but I am only giving the traditional route a limited time to yield fruit before I go it alone. The only thing determining timing now is how soon I finish and revise a second novel. Once that is done, it's back to the first and decide how (not if) it will hit the street.

    Good luck with your own work, and I wish you every success with publication - however that turns out.

    1. So glad to know other people know what I mean.

      Good luck to you too. :-)

  26. This article might help you out. I thought it was eye opening in some parts and other parts I knew.


  27. Misha, if you have queried every agent who reps fantasies, I am sure you are bound to get a hit. Good luck. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  28. Hi Misha, you seem to be concrete on what you want and how you plan to go about it, I see that as a huge positive in the right direction. I myself do not have much experience in that field, but certainly dream about writing a book someday. I wish you all the very best of luck! :-)


    1. It's definitely something I'd encourage someone to try. :-D


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