Monday, August 13, 2012

Pictures and WriteOnCon

Today will be a short post, since I'm a bit busy soaking in writing knowledge (see point no.2), so... I'm just bringing up some important announcements, although both probably prove that I've lived under a rock the past few weeks. Correctly, as it happens - if not literally.

1) Firstly. If you haven't done it already, please go through your blogs and remove any pictures that aren't in the commons or that you don't have permission to use. Here's why, in case you don't know.

2) On a happier note, it's WriteOnCon again! Which is where I'm keeping myself busy today. So if you haven't joined and you're a children's, YA or MG writer, what are you waiting for? It's awesome and (even more awesome) it's free. Except if you make a tiny donation. So far, I've learnt a huge amount, so I definitely recommend it to everyone.

If you are there and want to friend me, my user name is MishaMFB.

And if you'd like to read about or a few pages of Doorways, feel free to go crit my query, first 250 words or my first 5 pages. I'm willing to reciprocate for anyone who asks.

Well then, that's me for today!

See you at WriteOnCon, hopefully!


  1. Sadly, I won't be doing much of the "live" WriteOnCon this year. Just too busy. (But the mods are relieved, I can tell you. :) Be sure to share your favorites, so I can bookmark them for later reading. :)

  2. I have been reading about permission and pictures a lot recently. :) And enjoy Write-On-Con!!!

  3. The story about the author who was sued for using pics, has been all over the blogiverse recently.
    Enjoy your conference.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing about your experience with your pictures. I use pics from google images all the time. I will go back and take them down and use my own. I went to the sites you recommended and will join them. Thank you. We could not afford to be sued. I thought it was fine to copy pics, but I guess not.

  5. Enjoy the con.
    I guess that is why it is called copyright.
    It is the simple reason I have used basically no images other than my own or commons.

  6. I didn't really participate, but I did take a peek as some of the participants work. Looks awesome, maybe next year.

  7. Oh I always miss writeoncon, but it sounds awesome. Maybe I'll participate next year. Glad you had such a good time.

  8. Hope you enjoyed WriteOnCon. Ta for the link, I've been over there reading about it - sounds so good! Next year for sure I'll try and take part. As for using images - yes, always use your own pics and artwork or make sure you can verify the source and the license. Copyright laws are the same online as they are for trad publishing.

  9. I still need to do that. Must. Remove. Photos. Thanks for the reminder!

  10. ooooh, thanks I will have to check that out!
    Nice to meet you...
    I'll be back to visit more!

  11. I hope that you enjoy this!

  12. i heard its a great online conference and good thing I'm using all my photos:)

  13. Hello Misha!

    Enjoy your WriteOnCon. Thanks for the reminder, I need to go and check my photos.


  14. The whole picture thing is pretty scary. A lot of bloggers use whatever photos they can get their hands on but at least now people are more aware of the risks involved.


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