Monday, October 12, 2015

Still alive and well, but will be quiet.

Hi all!

Thanks so much for the good wishes and prayers you've been sending my way. Things went well at the meeting, which means that we're moving forward. However, it also means I might be back to having a bit of a manic November (new job, NaNo, other businesses and Realms Faire), so I have to graft now in order to stick more or less to the goals I have left for the rest of the year.

Which means that I'm going to probably be quiet until next week. Too much to do. (Including but not limited to edits, rewrites, meetings with banks and employer etc.)

Wish me luck!



  1. I'm glad things are looking more positive and wish you well with all the stuff which you want to do.

  2. Good-luck Misha. May everything go your way.

  3. Good luck... I'm happy things are changing around xox

  4. Glad to hear things went well. Hope the rest of your plans work out too.

  5. Moving on through the fog! Hope everything works out for you.

  6. Glad to hear things are looking up. It's good to be busy. Enjoy that quiet time as much as you can, busy as you may be.

  7. Sorry things haven't been going well, but glad to hear they are looking up. Life can be hard work....Chin up. :)

  8. It sounds like things are working out- though they will be busy. Good luck getting everything finished. :)

  9. Good luck! I should be on the silent end of things too with the publishing deadlines I'm up against for the next two months, but I'm not. Insanity is a writer, eh?

    Sending cheese!

  10. Hey Misha,

    I'm discreetly in the background sending good luck wishes.

    Gary :)


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