Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Paying Forward Nominations closed

Hey all! Just want to let you know that I'm closing nominations to the Paying Forward Awards.

I was going to make an announcement with regards to this today, but I'm way behind on my writing, which means that I can't do the announcement as properly as I'd like.

I WILL do it tomorrow, though.

See you then!


  1. Loved participating in this. Thanks, Misha!

  2. I'm behind, too. Happy Wednesday.

  3. You're putting your writing first? I'm applauding. Looking forward to the results.

  4. Life happens and she doesn't wait for us to get things all neatly together. Have fun catching up ;-)

  5. Okay Misha, I shall sit here and wait for that announcement posting.

    Yay and the famous Jack Russell dog wins! :)


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